Dancing: a good technique to seduce and release stress
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Have you ever found yourself thinking that that person who dances so, so well is surely an excellent lover? Don't worry, you're not the only one! Learn in this article the benefits of dancing as a tool to sexually attract your partner.
International Dance Day is celebrated on April 29 , which for us at #TuSaludIntima represents an excellent opportunity to review with you the possibilities of erotic dance, as a way to activate desire and generate the right environment to have a session quality intimate.
When we talk about erotic dance, we are referring to those body movements that we perform guided by the beat of a song, with the aim of stimulating erotic or sexual thoughts or actions in those who observe us. There is no specific requirement to classify it as such, it all depends on the perspective from which you look at it, our sexual experience, our fantasies, our relationship with that person, our culture and you stop counting.
But to talk about dance as a seduction technique, it is worth starting by highlighting the importance of stimulating the five senses in the initial stage of warming up prior to sexual intercourse. And secondly, remember the relevance that men give to visual stimulation in matters of sexuality, because they generally enjoy observing things that they like in their partner, be it their curves, their movements, their way of dressing. , his hair or those characteristics that particularly eroticize him. In this way, they quickly activate their imagination, initiating their sexual response.
Considering that we have five senses to stimulate (and we even talk about a sixth sense), dance can be seen as one of the many tools that we can use to innovate in our intimate relationships when awakening in our partners that internal desire to wanting to see each other dance erotically.
On the other hand, from the woman's point of view, when we are the ones who dance. We can use the properties of dance to our advantage at the moment of seduction, because it opens up a sea of possibilities for well-being and individual security, helping us to lose inhibitions, strengthen our self-esteem, release tension, overcome shyness, manage to concentrate on the moment, leaving worries and responsibilities aside. A characteristic that, in general, can be very attractive to your partner.
If you are still not convinced that dancing can work to seduce , a study carried out by at the University of Northumbria, in Newcastle (United Kingdom), led by Nick Neave and Kristofor McCarty, published in the British scientific journal Biology Letters, It was concluded that a woman distinguishes a good from a bad dancer and associates him with an attractive man or not, analyzing the movement of her body when dancing (her trunk, her neck, the speed of her knees). Thus they explain that their movements can send signals to the opposite sex about the reproductive quality of that man, in terms of health, vigor or strength.
Therefore, beyond specifically rehearsing some of the movements considered more sensual in the study, we can infer that dancing could have a positive effect when conquering and seducing women.
Recommendations to dance and seduce
How trying costs nothing! Below, you will find some general recommendations for those #TEamZenzsual women who want to try dancing when approaching their partners sexually and activate desire .
1. Identify your strengths
Look for those movements with which you feel comfortable or highlight your best angle. Whether it is a part of your body or some of your movements, where you consider that you attract attention. Put aside your insecurities that, as we said at the beginning, think that men are visual and will not stop at the extra kilo or the dimple in your thigh, but in your attitude and your confidence.
2. Let the environment play in your favor
Do not leave all the seduction to your dancing skills. Create the right environment for eroticism. A dim light, a pleasant aroma in the room, sensual music can help awaken sensual desire and passion. Put the phones on silent, turn off distracting electronics, and think of everything that invites them to feel good to create that special moment.
3. The underwear that favors you
Spend time choosing underwear that flatters your figure. It does not have to be the most expensive or a thousand lace, simply choose the color that benefits you, verify that the garments are in good condition and try on the model that best shapes your figure. It does not always have to be the smallest or look very tight.
If you have talked with your partner about trying a role play, you can try a costume. Although there is always talk of high shoes as a symbol of sexuality, it is your choice to choose those that are light and with which you feel comfortable to dance.
4. Define the rules of the game
It's good to make it clear from the beginning if you only want a spectator or if you want your partner to participate in the dance. You can also opt for a mix in the strategy, where you start dancing and then incorporate the routine into it, it will depend on the disposition of both and the agreements they have to make your imagination fly.
5. No pressure or false expectations
The most important thing about all this is that you consider erotic dancing as a way to disinhibit them, bring them closer and revive desire at that moment. It should not become a stressful situation for you, if you consider that you do not like dancing, if you do not feel comfortable or if you are not going to enjoy it together.
It is one more excuse to let desire flow. Activate your partner's sexual response through the visual stimulus that represents watching you dance. And at the same time, activate in you the sexual stimulus that means dancing openly and letting the movements of your body flow. The secret key will always be to consider dancing in a relaxed and fun way, as a good way to flirt and seduce.
Cultivate your sexual well-being in an integral way
But if neither dancing nor anything else works to activate your libido and you are suffering from low desire in your sexual life, you should review all the possible causes with the help of your gynecologist (on a physical level) or through #SexCoaching sessions , where with professional help you can review the variables that are currently interfering in your intimate life. In parallel, we recommend you try the daily intake of the LibiZenzs nutritional supplement to address the situation comprehensively.
Libizenzs nutritional supplement has a formula based on herbs and trace elements and does not contain hormones. Its goal is to increase the feeling of well-being, give vitality and energy until the end of the day, it can help lower the percentage of body fat (although it is not designed for weight loss), it improves muscle mass, strengthens the immune system and raises the desire and sexual performance of women in general.
Visit our online store TuSaludIntima to find out about the other nutritional supplements that we have created to care for women's health in a preventive way and follow us for more content related to women's health and sexuality. Do not forget to follow us on our social networks, look for us as: @TuSaludIntima. There we keep sharing useful tips and join the #TeamZenzsual to share this information with your friends, leave us your doubts and comments.
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