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vaginal pain

Something is not right if you feel pain or discomfort during intimate relationships. In no phase of the female sexual response is pain normal or should it be accepted. If this happens, you should find the causes with your doctor and follow some practical advice to eliminate the discomfort and recover the pleasant sensations.

#TeamZenzsual friends , pain in the genital area (vulva, vagina, clitoris) appears many times when attempting penetration, from vaginal rubbing during intercourse or during other everyday situations, such as rubbing underwear, sitting or doing high-impact sports, such as cycling and horseback riding.

If it is not treated quickly, genital pain can be the reason for significant discontent and anguish in the woman, which later becomes serious difficulties within the personal sphere and in the couple relationship; leading her to lose desire, avoid sex, or simply not enjoy it.


If you feel genital pain on the outside (in the vulva), you may be in the presence of Vulvodynia or what is also called Depressed Vagina, a pain that can become so intense to the point of being incapacitating, due to the fact of not not even be able to touch her vulva, let alone allow penetration.

Among its causes it is generally associated with:

  • A contact dermatitis, due to the use of intimate clothing that is not 100% cotton or the use of detergents that can cause sensitivity in the vulva.
  • An infection of the vulva (vulvovaginitis). Many of them manifest in the presence of excessive vaginal discharge, which sensitizes the lips of the vulva and generates subsequent pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Use of vibrators at very high speeds that generate alterations in nerve endings.
  • Local problems after surgery in the area.


Another cause of genital pain can be Dyspareunia or Vaginismus, which manifests as pain that can be superficial or in the introitus (entrance), in the vagina (the internal part of your genitals) before, during or after penetration. (intercourse). Even with difficulty allowing the entry of even a finger and/or a sex toy, regardless of whether you have the desire.
Sometimes it is associated with pain in the clitoris or in the vulva to the touch, vaginal dryness, postcoital cystitis, burning, dryness or itching of the vulva.

Consequently, as you can imagine, this symptom often causes the lack or decrease of desire, arousal and orgasm, because naturally no one wants to cause intense pain on their own.

What are the causes of genital pain?

These symptoms can start suddenly or be persistent over time. And they usually have different types of origin:

  1. Biological causes: infectious, inflammatory, hormonal processes, anatomical, muscular, neurological, immunological and vascular alterations. Or if there is some hidden pathology that your doctor will help you diagnose.
  2. Psychological causes: such as a history of sexual abuse, affective disorders; depression and/or anxiety. Conflicts in the couple, anatomical incompatibility of the penis/vagina, sexual dissatisfaction and consequent inadequate arousal.
  3. Bad practices in sexual play: ask yourself if they are taking time to warm up beforehand to promote proper vaginal lubrication. Review the sexual positions where you do not feel pain, according to the type of body of both, size of the penis and their previous experiences. On our YouTube channel you can search for the #UnaNocheIntimaySensual shows that we have with María Marín where various techniques or positions can help you.

How is it diagnosed?

First you must attend the gynecologist, who will ask you a series of questions to:

  • Know your history of inflammation or local infections, intensity of pain, since when you have suffered it, under what circumstances it occurs, what situation aggravates it, etc.
  • Do a physical exam to locate the pain, the tension of the perineal muscles, the presence of inflammatory signs or scars on the vulva, the association of pain in other areas.
  • Evaluate if your hormonal state is affecting lubrication, desire and other aspects related to the well-being of your genitals and your sexuality.
  • Evaluate the psychological aspects and the current relationship.

How is it treated?

Given the multiplicity of factors involved in the origin of genital pain in women, the doctor has the power to recommend a multiple treatment that considers:

  1. Reduction of causative factors : candidiasis, chemical irritants (such as soap, perfume, synthetic fabrics), vaginal dryness for other reasons, etc.
  2. Reduce pain with painkillers
  3. Decrease the tension of the muscles of the perineum
  4. Improve local and/or systemic hormonal status
  5. Reduce associated anxiety
  6. Recommend individual and/or couples therapy to help cope with the situation. At #TuSaludIntima we offer #SexCoaching sessions that can help you.

And at home immediately, you can rule out some of the physical causes that may be affecting:

change your underwear

  • Wear cotton clothing and forget about synthetic fabrics such as polyester and spandex, which generate more heat and enclose, which expose you to infections.
  • Change the underwear detergent, make it hypoallergenic without odors.

Review the grooming technique you use for your intimate area

The vulva is washed on the outside, never on the inside (towards the vagina) , therefore, you should never introduce soap, because you can sweep away the natural lubrication of the vagina and generate sensitivity, burning and discomfort, as a possible cause of Vulvodynia.

Use a special soap for the intimate area, without detergent , without aroma, that takes care of its acidic pH, with moisturizing active ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid and organic cranberry extract. At Zenzsual we have a cleansing foam with these characteristics , which you can find in the store:

Hydrate her!

Do not use Vaseline, creams or products with artificial scents on the vulva , much less on the vagina. Moisturize your genitals DAILY! and at the time of sexual intercourse, with an intimate moisturizing gel that your gynecologist recommends. Take care that it is absorbed quickly and does not leave residues (water-based). Read the label well so that it does not have odors, that it is vegan, organic biocompatible, not tested on animals and VERY IMPORTANT! Have an ideal acidic pH for the vaginal area.

We recommend the Zenzsual Intimate Gel that meets these quality parameters that, more than hydrating you, help you regenerate tissues and take care of that natural protective barrier and the pH of the area.

After choosing the ideal gel, you should apply it twice a day, very gently on the labia majora of the vulva. If you have a partner and this pain has prevented you from having sexual relations, you can try it alone for the first few days and then you can integrate it as a moment of intimacy. Tell him to apply it very gently and with the commitment that there will be no penetration while you are in pain.

Remember to put a little bit of gel in the vaginal introitus (at the entrance to the vagina) to regenerate the tissue if it is affected by pain.


If with these measures and the treatment of your gynecologist the pain is not relieved, it is important that you go back to your consultation.

In the Zenzsual blog we continue to talk about the issues that concern your well-being, because in your hands you have the option of taking care of your body in the search for healthy aging, sharing a healthy sexuality.

On the website you can find a variety of products designed to accompany you on this path: from the intimate gel , the LibiZenzs libido booster , the cleansing foam for daily grooming and VagiYoga to keep your pelvic floor in shape.

Follow us on social networks as @tusaludintima @tu_ginecologa and @doctoraklarasenior and on our YouTube channel #TuSaludIntima where you will find our #EncuentroZenzual shows on Fridays, #UnaNocheIntimaySensual with María Marín on Mondays, as well as conversations with our ambassadors and friends from this network, among other videos of each one of us, because it is always important to answer your questions and help you from woman to woman.


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  • Elena

    También estaría bien que recomendasen visitar a un fisioterapeuta del suelo Pelvico ya que, sobre todo a nivel muscular es quien mejor evalúa y trata, estos y otros problemas relacionados con la salud íntima. También puedes consultar a tu matrona y, además de los gines, si el problema está en la vulva, el médico especializado es el dermatólogo vulvar.
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  • Alberto

    Muy instructivo, gracias. Se lo haré saber a mi pareja que aveces se queja de dispareunia.
    Zenzsual :
    Hola Alberto,

    Nos encanta recibir comentarios positivos como el tuyo. ¡Gracias por elegirnos!

    Un gran abrazo,
    Team Zenzsual

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