Do you pee when you cough, sneeze or laugh?
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These are signs that indicate that you should rehabilitate your pelvic floor
Today begins by answering this question: how well do you know your body? Understanding our own changes and noticing those situations that throughout our lives are weakening our pelvic floor, make us women more aware of what we must do to keep it in the best conditions.
The pelvic floor or floor is, as its name says, the "pelvic floor", and brings together a set of muscles and ligaments located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity; Its function is to support the organs also located there (uterus, urethra, vagina and rectum), and keep them in the proper position to ensure their normal functioning.
The lack of muscle tone in this area can cause problems such as urinary incontinence (that is, urine leaking from minimal efforts such as coughing, sneezing or smiling), prolapse (which is the exit of your internal organs - vagina, uterus or rectum - out through the opening of your vagina or anal region) and can even cause some degree of sexual dysfunction (decreased sensitivity of your vagina, loss of sexual pleasure, decreased ability to reach orgasm ), all of which can additionally lead to suffering from low self-esteem, isolation due to fear of “peeing in public”, and relationship problems).
When do I know that I should rehabilitate my pelvic floor?
It would really be desirable that you do not wait until you have a problem with your pelvic floor to start taking care of it. However, there are very specific situations or signs that indicate that it is time to pay more attention to this area of the body and start working on it, these are some:
Pregnancy: one of the best stages, and without a doubt, an event in a woman's life, it can also be harmful to your pelvic floor muscles and cause changes in the product of weight and the pressure that the baby exerts on you. pelvis.
Does vaginal delivery influence? Unquestionably. Due to the force that is exerted in the expulsion of the baby, we can also cause a stretch of the pelvic floor. But don't panic, there is always a solution and if you start doing your Kegel exercises and even better, if you additionally attend some pelvic floor rehabilitation sessions with a physiotherapist specializing in the area, you will be able to prevent and even reverse any damage that may have occurred. suffered during the birth process. Consult your gynecologist and ask him to schedule a consultation and pelvic floor rehabilitation sessions as soon as possible.
- Menopause: the hormonal changes that come with this stage can cause, among other things, that the muscles that surround the area have less support capacity, that is, that our pelvic floor becomes weaker. There is the risk of the organs falling off causing urinary incontinence, vaginal opening and prolapses.
- Obesity: Being overweight can easily damage and weaken the tissues that support the bladder, uterus, urethra, vagina, and rectum, increasing the risk of incontinence and prolapse.
- Constipation: perhaps you had not thought about this, but constipation is also another reason why our pelvic floor can be damaged due to pushing or force when trying to defecate.
- High-impact sports: aerobic or high-impact sports such as running can put some pressure on the pelvic floor, and frequent sit-ups can cause hyperpressure on the abdominal viscera.
- Surgeries: of the abdomen or perineum, for example, can also determine a loss of solidity in the pelvic floor because the scar tissue does not have the same flexibility properties and does not cushion as it should, causing the muscles and tissues that support it. surrounds lose strength and elasticity.

It is essential to have a strong pelvic floor to keep everything firm and in place, prevent urinary and fecal incontinence and make your sexual relations optimal and satisfactory; Due to this, Kegel exercises were not invented yesterday, and here we will tell you what they are about and give some more tips so that you can enjoy better health, a strong pelvic floor and carefree of accidents. So take note and keep these recommendations well so that you can put them into practice as soon as possible, and why not, today ?
You can practice Kegel exercises at any time, sitting or lying down, while you are at your desk working, eating, while you are driving or while you rest and watch television. This practice consists of pretending that you have to urinate and then holding back, that is, relaxing and tightening the muscles that control the flow of urine.
Avoid using the "pee stop" technique, that is, cutting off the stream of urine, since regular practice of this technique can make you more prone to residual urine retention, urinary tract infections. This technique is only recommended for learning to identify the muscles to move during Kegel exercises.
Another way to know which muscles you have to squeeze to do Kegel exercises is to think about that awkward moment when you feel like you are going to "fart" or "fart" in public, do you already know what the muscles are? what do you have to press? Yes, those that you squeeze to avoid at all costs that "a bad smell" or an "unpleasant noise" embarrasses you in front of others.
Now, the best way to train your vagina and pelvic floor is using VagiYoga , an advanced device for practicing Kegel exercises and specifically designed to restore pelvic floor muscle tone, helps you strengthen the area, prevent incontinence urinary, add creativity to your sexual life and improve the state of mind. How to start?
- Make sure your bladder is empty and then sit or lie down.
- Introduce VagiYoga with the help of a lubricant, we recommend Zenzsual's Intimate Gel with Hyaluronic Acid, and tighten the pelvic floor muscles. (Never put anything inside your vagina without adequate lubrication. Call it @vagiyoga, sex toy or penis, because it can mistreat you, irritate you and cause pain.
- Hold them down for 3-5 seconds.
- Relax your muscles for 3 to 5 seconds.
- Repeat again, around 10 times and hopefully 3 times a day (morning, noon and night).
It is important that you know that you have 2 ways to use @VagiYoga:
- Manually: press the button for 3 seconds and wait a few seconds for it to turn on. Introduce the two balls and begin to squeeze with the walls of your vagina. Vagiyoga vibrates as hard as you squeeze. Likewise, when you let go, the vibration stops.
- Digitally: Download the APP (application) and connect your Vagiyoga, you must fill out your profile and your data so that your registration is saved. With the APP you will have a visual guide of how long to squeeze and how long to relax. You will have a detailed manual for its correct use.
If you have gone through any of these situations or begin to notice symptoms of incontinence or any other problem related to the pelvic floor, consult your doctor so that after a good evaluation he recommends an adequate treatment, surely pelvic training will be one of the the best tools to strengthen this area of your body so take advantage and take your VagiYoga + travel kit from October 20 to 27 as a gift with free shipping.
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