Menstrual health products that make your periods more comfortable

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We know that for many of us, periods can be a real challenge, but we also believe that they don't have to be torture. With menstrual health products at your fingertips, you can transform those days of torment and instability into a more tolerable and even comfortable experience.

At Zenzsual we care about women's well-being in every sense, but paying special attention to the menstrual cycle in order to provide products for care and better intimate regulation can make a key difference when it comes to avoiding major discomfort or inconvenience during periods.

Would you like to know more details about which menstrual health products could help you if you are looking to feel more relief during your period? Make sure to read the following information.

What products are most recommended for treating menstrual health?

Every menstrual period varies according to each stage and need that corresponds to the woman, but ensuring comfort, general well-being and necessary comfort during the days of bleeding is a more than justified priority. Therefore, at Zenzsual we have prepared the following list of products to treat menstrual health and, at the same time, ensure greater comfort in your cycle:

  • Menstrual Zen with Magnesium Glycinate: a natural, hormone-free supplement made with vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. Each supplement helps improve those sudden mood swings during menstruation, as well as reduce inflammation and fluid retention, and relieve various ailments, such as stomach aches or headaches.

  • Feminine Cleansing Foam : Made with organic blueberry extract, this foam is formulated to ensure increased hydration, a more balanced pH, and a better regulated immune system, which is ideal for keeping you clean and fresh during your periods.

  • Intimate moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid : although each menstrual cycle can be different depending on the ailments or discomforts that affect us, having a moisturizing gel with a high percentage of hyaluronic acid is one of the best methods to treat the female genital area at any time. Also, keep in mind that our gel has up to three times more hyaluronic acid than other gels, offering greater hydration.

  • Zenbiotic : Zenbiotic probiotic capsules are designed to boost both intimate and digestive health. There are many menstrual cases where the digestive system is also affected during the period, so taking a capsule will help treat and prevent intestinal diseases, as well as possible vaginal infections.

  • Zenzsual wet wipes for intimate hygiene : you can never go without wet wipes if you want to take care of your intimate hygiene. In addition, with the use of each wipe you can keep your intimate area fresh, clean and comfortable at all times.

Zenzsual offers you the best menstrual health products for your comfort

As you have read in the previous lines, menstrual health is a topic that should be of concern to all women, especially if you suffer from discomfort or irregularities that can be prevented and treated in time, thus considering the existence of specialized products to make our menstruation cycle more friendly.

For this reason, at Zenzsual we would like to recommend the healthy menstruation kit, which consists of Menstrual Zen capsules, feminine moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid and cleansing foam, so that you are comfortable during your period.

If you want to know more informative details on similar topics, we suggest you continue reading our blog .

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