Intimate hygiene during menstruation

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intimate hygiene during menstruation

Without fail, he visits us every month, but sometimes we forget to deepen the care our genitals deserve during those days of bleeding. Below, you will find some hygiene tips, to take advantage of sanitary pads, tampons and the menstrual cup.

Menstruation is one of the natural processes of women that are most embellished with myths and romantic fantasies. When she arrives for the first time, in our Latin American countries it is common to hear that the woman "developed", or that the carnations are "flowering", that the "rooster crowed" for her, the "little red riding hood" or the old man visited her. of the red beard. Or simply to avoid mentioning it in public we say that "the one I told you about has arrived."

They are affectionate and entertaining ways of talking about menstruation , which demonstrate the taboos we have around something so everyday and feminine. For this reason, we talk little about the subject and the hygienic care that is required for our health in those days.

At #TuSaludIntima we encourage ourselves to write these tips for you. So that we are all clear about what we should do and what is not recommended. Here are some tips so you don't forget each month:

Recommendations when using sanitary napkins!

Don't stay with just one guy at home. It is good that you have several presentations so that you can use the one indicated at all times:

  • Find your ideal size. There is a wide variety on the market. From the thinnest to the longest and strongest. Go trying several brands and choose.
  • The daily protectors or the very thin towels work for you when you have a light flow.
  • The regular size or the thicker ones for when you have heavy bleeding.
  • Consider the "maxi" or "night" when you have a heavy flow and want to sleep safely.
  • Use a new one before bed.
  • Change it every 3 hours maximum or sooner if it is soaked with blood.
  • He prefers those with a cotton cover and ecological ones.

The ideal technique for placing tampons:

  • Choose the size you really need , according to the amount of bleeding you have and its absorption levels: either small, regular and super.
  • Always use the tampon that offers you the lowest level of absorption (which lasts for fewer hours), this is a way to change it more frequently and not forget.
  • Prefer tampons that come with soft applicators and relax when it comes to facilitating their introduction.
  • Wash your hands before placing it.
  • Get into a comfortable position: squatting, with one leg up, or sitting on the toilet with your legs apart. Whichever you prefer!
  • Push the tampon into the vagina with the help of the applicator or with a finger (if you don't have one). Make sure you take it all the way up so it doesn't bother you.
  • Inserting a tampon shouldn't hurt , but it does take some practice at first. If it's your first time, you suffer from vaginal dryness or you don't feel the entrance of the vagina lubricated when you introduce it, you can put a little intimate gel , like #Zenzsual, on the tip of the tampon or applicator.

We always recommend using one with a water base and a high component of hyaluronic acid, like the one from #Zenzsual, which, beyond lubricating, also hydrates you and protects you from infections. In addition, it takes care of the acidic pH of the intimate area.

    • It is best to remove the tampon when it is wet after absorbing as much discharge as possible.
    • We advise you to change it every 3-4 hours . Do not leave it for more than 8 hours or sleep with it. Keep in mind that if the tampon stays in the vagina for a long time, it can cause a condition called "toxic shock syndrome." A rare but very dangerous infection. If you are using a tampon and have vomiting, high fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, sore throat, dizziness, fainting, or weakness, and a rash, remove the tampon and call your doctor immediately.
    • Wrap used tampons in toilet paper and throw it away. Throw the wrapper and applicator in the trash. Never to the toilet, because you cover it and contaminate the environment.
    • Try different types of tampons until you find out which one you like best.
    • If putting in a tampon is too painful , talk to a doctor, as it may be due to another health reason.

Testing the Menstrual Cup

The Menstrual Cup is a silicone device (made of a material for medical use, latex-free and hypoallergenic), which, thanks to its cup shape, easily fits into the vagina and conforms to the anatomy of our body to collect blood from the vagina. menstruation.

You can reuse every month and it lasts up to 10 years, making it a cheaper and more cost-effective option in the long run.

How to use it?

  • Wash your hands.
  • Make sure the cup is clean and dry before using it.
  • Get in a comfortable, relaxed position (as in the case of tampons).
  • Squeeze or bend the cup to make it narrower.
  • Insert or slide it into your vagina with your fingers, according to her instructions. Some cups need to be placed very deep inside the vagina, near the cervix. Others go in the lower part of the vagina. (Read the instructions for yours).
  • If it's uncomfortable or feels like it's in the wrong place, pull it out and reinsert it.
  • When placed, it will unfold or open and form a secure, escape-proof area.
  • Use it for periods of between 8 and 12 hours a day , or until it is full.
  • To remove it , some have a stem that is pulled to remove it from the vagina; with others, you have to hook the edge with a finger, squeeze them, and then pull them out.
  • Upon removal, empty the contents down the toilet and rinse or wipe the cup.
  • If you are away from home and cannot wash it, it is convenient to empty it and put it back until you reach a more comfortable place to do so.
  • The recommendation is to sterilize it between periods by immersing it in boiling water for approximately 3 minutes.
  • You can use a sanitary napkin as a backup just in case the cup leaks, but don't ever use a tampon and a menstrual cup at the same time.
  • If putting on the cup is very painful , talk to a doctor to determine what is causing the pain and decide what to do about it.

Hygiene during menstruation:

While we all want to keep our genitals cool throughout the month, we know that during menstruation women are more prone to bacterial infections, due to the change in the pH balance of the vagina. Therefore, to take care of your health and feel clean during those days we recommend:

  • Refresh the vulva twice a day to get away from infections . Do not use soap, shower gels or perfumed products, as they can drag and dry out the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina (your protective layer) and upset the pH balance. Instead, we recommend using the #Zenzsual cleansing foam, which takes care of the delicate balance of the acid pH in the area and protects it from infection, thanks to its components such as cranberry extract.
  • It is important that you only clean it on the outside (in the vulva) since it is not recommended to use vaginal showers at any time, unless the doctor recommends it. We always tell you that she is self-cleaning.
  • Change the pad or tampon four to five times a day, or more frequently when your menstrual flow is heaviest, that is, during the first two days of your period.
  • Use extra protection at night to avoid staining your sleepwear and sheets.
  • Do not use vaginal deodorants or feminine sprays (at any time of the month) as these can cause irritation and throw off control of your body's true natural scent.
  • During menstruation you should also avoid wearing tight or synthetic underwear . Prefer cotton and natural fibers that are more comfortable and fresh.
  • Change your underwear several times a day (when you wash up or after playing sports), to prevent menstrual odor from intensifying with sweat.
  • Wipe from front to back when you have a bowel movement to avoid passing harmful bacteria into your vagina.
  • When having sex during your period, continue with your contraceptive method and you can also use a condom to avoid diseases transmitted through blood.

Which one to use at all times?

We are always asked which is the best method , whether the sanitary napkin, the menstrual cup or the tampon. The truth is that each one works and you can combine them, it is a matter of taste, according to the amount of flow, the activities you do and your comfort. For example:

  • If you want to avoid the sensation of a waterfall in the middle of the cycle, you can use tampons, moderately absorbent pads or vaginal cups to avoid worrying during the day on the street.
  • At night when sleeping it is better to use sanitary napkins and extra-large ones on the days with the most bleeding.
  • But if it is already disappearing or you are one of those who bleed very little, the daily protectors are a good option and may be enough.

Protected and armored vagina!

Beyond the rigorous hygiene that you must have , take into account that the importance of daily care for the pH of your vaginal tissues and the skin around the vulva, to avoid vaginal dryness and its discomfort, in addition to warding off infections by protecting your natural protective barrier.

To achieve this, you can apply a small amount of water-based intimate gel , which also contains hyaluronic acid and citric acid such as #Zenzsual, which allows you to regenerate it. We recommend the #Zenzual intimate gel, which has these properties, it is organic , not tested on animals and biocompatible.

It all depends on the moment and your preferences!

Treat the symptoms of menstruation at home:

  1. Feed yourself in the best way:
    1. Prefer foods such as fruits, proteins and vegetables , reducing sugars and processed ingredients.
    2. Reduce salt intake so as not to retain fluid.
    3. Increase the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods such as: ginseng, turmeric (you can have a tea or the drink "Golden Milk"), avocado, cocoa, olive oil and cherries.
  2. If you have belly pain or feel the typical cramps, you can place warm water compresses on your belly and relax for a few minutes until they pass.
  3. Masturbation and orgasm are fabulous tools to reduce menstrual pain and shorten the days of bleeding, because during orgasm the contractions of the uterus cause and accelerate the expulsion of blood.

Through #TuSaludIntima we hope that this information will be useful for you to perfect your routine grooming technique during those special days. Lean on Zenzsual products specially created for your intimate area and we invite you to keep in touch, through our social networks @tusaludintima @doctoraklarasenior @tu_ginecologa.

You are responsible for continuing to tear down the myths around menstruation. Shout with us from the four winds that it IS FALSE that during menstruation: you can't shower or wash your hair, you can't play sports, you can't eat ice cream, you can bleed to death or you won't grow anymore. Anyway! Guide yourself only by verified recommendations, consult a doctor if you have doubts and use your intuition to protect yourself month by month.

We are waiting for you next week with a new article from our blog.


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