14 ways to keep the flame of love alive

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flame of love

When you are starting a relationship you expose yourself as a new product in the market and you do everything to capture his attention and catch him; Well, that should not change because a relationship of many years also requires a bit of propaganda to fan the flame, so write down and follow these recommendations to strengthen your relationship.

Because we know how important it is for you to maintain the excitement of the first months , take care of that connection that electrifies you, here are some simple recommendations that you can follow throughout the year to take care of your relationship and avoid falling into traps common routine, taking advantage of the fact that we are in the month of love and desire. That money or children are not an impediment!

1. Give space to sexuality:

  • Dare to innovate in bed! Take the initiative and get creative with everything that you both fully enjoy. Nothing to be condescending and donate it just to please. Sexual enjoyment is a pleasure for two.
  • Anything that surprises them adds excitement. Same person and new experiences, the ideal combination.
  • Do not take problems to bed . Without exception!
  • Even if they know your sexual preferences , it is positive to renew, without having to exaggerate some sexual practices. The idea is to rediscover yourself and allow it to continue to be pleasurable for both of you.
  • Don't make yourself beg for sex . Ideally, the two of you take the initiative from time to time and make the invitation to go to bed without much insistence.
  • Being apart for short periods , even if you are married, can make for a more explosive encounter in bed when you meet again.
  • Explain what you like and how you want it , so you will avoid surprises. That is why it is important that first of all you know your body well and the erogenous zones in which you feel more pleasure.
  • Have your Zenzsual Intimate Gel on hand to keep your genitals hydrated and avoid pain that interrupts satisfaction, due to continuous rubbing, little excitement or lubrication, new positions that are more difficult to achieve.

2. Feeling like it is key to reviving the flame!

If your desire is on the ground and you have time without feeling like it, remember that at Zenzsual we offer you the LibiZenzs nutritional supplement , a libido booster that works directly to recover your libido and your energies (or those of your partner) with natural ingredients that help you regulate your hormonal system

3. Surprise him with the details!

The two must show that they are aware of each other. Exalt his qualities, let him know that you always have him in your thoughts. It is not always as obvious as it seems. The relationship of a couple needs daily nourishment, a sense to move forward and not fall into boredom.

4. Don't let your partner become a stranger

Because of the inertia of day to day and never lose sight of what made them fall in love. Keep alive in your memory the memory of those first months.

5. Give love without restrictions

Don't hold back, don't be ashamed. Let him know how important it is to you, don't leave it to the imagination. It is about giving affection without expectations and showing your affection in every gesture and with a lot of physical affection, such as hugs and kisses. Looks and tone of voice are also important when communicating. Treat him how you would like him to treat you.

For example: a call with an affectionate greeting (without interrogation), send him messages, hide a small note in his wallet, give him a gift even if it is not a special date, whisper something nice in his ear and keep the screams away.

6. Remove distractors from coexistence

Like grudges and distrust and resentment.

7. Take care of your image

The attention you give to your body demonstrates your love for yourself. It will help you feel good. At the same time, you help your partner to remain interested.

8. Change the routine

Invent a trip or a weekend getaway, a short vacation, a night out of the ordinary or put together a plan with other couples and friends. Open spaces to share and give recognition to your partner in front of others.

9. Share household chores

This way they will be able to take time to be alone and not be upset by the same obligations. While one makes the market the other takes the children to the school meeting.

10. Spend time

It is essential that they enjoy the time they can spend in complicity. Don't let chores, work, routine and finally, tiredness, kill your passion. If necessary, hire a babysitter or drop the kids off for a weekend with the grandparents. Give him that time without being absorbed by your obligations.

11. Ask for a Sexcoaching appointment

If you feel that the situation is getting complicated. Better to do it on time, than when everything is finished! At Zenzsual we offer sessions with a team of experts willing to listen to you and solve the dilemmas of relationships and sexuality, because we work every day to ensure your well-being and women's health.

12. Communicate a lot

Talk to your partner about what you feel, what worries you, but above all what makes you happy so that you can understand each other and grow in harmony with the relationship.

13. Respect is a fundamental ally of love

It's not just about maintaining a civil and cordial demeanor without raising your voice. It is a matter of unconditionally accepting the other person's way of being.

This is not to say that there can't be disagreements and healthy discussions. Have adult conversations, in respectful terms that can clear up a moment of doubt and make love come back stronger. What does kill love are reproaches, personal criticism and grudges.

When anger dominates you, think twice before speaking. Remember that after throwing offenses or bad words into the air, you cannot pick them up. And words hurt too. It is better to know what to say and when. Sometimes silence allows reflection. Sometimes we feel the desire to be alone and you must learn to trust, without imagining things that are not.

14. Learn to live with disagreements

Not everything is harmony. It is normal for them to have different ideas on some points. The key is learning to live with disagreements in order to cope with the problems, turn the page and move on.

Be sure to visit our website www.zenzsual.com and follow our social networks where we constantly share content aimed precisely at helping you stay healthy, sexually full and happy.


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  • jota

    ¿Quieres que tu ex vuelva? Lo hice con el Dr. Sunny y mi ex volvió a mí en 2 días después de que me dijo que el vínculo de la reunión de amor se hizo. Quiero que todos lean mi testimonio y crean en un lanzador de hechizos llamado Dr. Sunny. Mi exnovia rompió conmigo porque era escéptica y dudaba de que yo tuviera otras mujeres, lo que nunca fue cierto. Discutimos por separado y resultó que ella creía en las percepciones equivocadas sobre mí y se fue. Me comuniqué con el Dr. Sunny después de aproximadamente 3 meses y ella ni siquiera respondió mis llamadas telefónicas. Ahora estoy tan feliz de que el Dr. Sunny la haya traído de regreso a mí. Cuando me comuniqué con este lanzador de hechizos. No creí que mi ex regresaría después de las peleas y todo, pero el Dr. Sunny me dio un gran alivio al saber que mi prometida regresó a mí y el amor y la felicidad entre nosotros se restauraron y se hicieron permanentes. Quiero que todos crean en este lanzador de hechizos y lo contacten para cualquier problema. Envíele un correo electrónico a: drsunnydsolution1@gmail.com o envíele un mensaje de texto a WhatsApp: +2348082943805
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  • José Rodríguez

    Información general

  • Malleline Castañeda Galvis

    Me interesa todo solo.q nuestra relación a caído en una rutina desde q nacieron nuestros bebés .y yo mantengo muy cansada y con mucho sueño.nowotros teníamos una vida sexual muy activa.pero ahora muy de veces en cuando quiero me puede más el cansancio quiero ayuda por q la verdad no quiero q la llama se acabe.y es más se termine la relación gracias

  • Jonnathan

    Bueno estoy interesado en todo esto ma verdad que mi relación de enfrió y ambos solo sentimos cariño ndel uno al otro pero deseo revivir ese amor que sentíamos que ella se vuelva a enamorar de mi ..gracias por su atención y sus consejos

  • Candido Abarca

    Ola megusta mucho estos te más para leerceloo a mi esposa muchas gracias dios los bendiga

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