Cystitis, its causes and consequences

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cystitis causes

Today you should know what cystitis is about, how you can prevent it and the consequences for your intimate health.

Cystitis is an infection of the bladder or lower urinary tract, most often caused by Escherichia coli ( E. coli ) bacteria that are normally found in the intestines.

These microorganisms enter the urethra and then the bladder, causing an infection that commonly develops in the bladder and can also spread to the kidneys.

Most of the time, the body can get rid of these bacteria when you urinate. However, the bacteria can adhere to the wall of the urethra or bladder, multiplying rapidly.

The bad news is that women tend to get infections more often than men, because:

  • Our urethra is shorter than theirs and is located closer to the anus.
  • We are more likely to get an infection after sexual intercourse.
  • Even when using a diaphragm for birth control.
  • At menopause the risk of a urinary infection increases.
  • And when we are pregnant.

Other causes that increase the chances of suffering from cystitis are:

  • Placement of a bladder catheter, a tube is inserted into the bladder
  • Blockage of the bladder or urethra or you have an enlarged prostate
  • if you suffer from diabetes
  • If you suffer from intestinal incontinence
  • When we reach old age (on whether you live in nursing homes)
  • Problems emptying the bladder completely (urinary retention)
  • Procedures involving the urinary tract
  • Staying still (immobile) for a long period of time (for example, when you are recovering from a broken hip)


Most cases of cystitis are uncomfortable, but go away without complications after treatment. Symptoms of cystitis include:

  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • Urgent need to urinate frequently, even immediately after emptying the bladder
  • Pressure or cramps in the lower abdomen or back
  • Fever or brokenness
  • Cloudy or bloody urine
  • Strong or foul-smelling urine

How do I know if mine is cystitis?

In the presence of symptoms you should consult the doctor, who will indicate some tests and examinations, mainly a urinalysis and a urine culture to identify the bacteria in the urine and decide on the correct antibiotic.

Cystitis Treatment

The doctor should indicate the indicated treatment according to your case. Medications are usually prescribed to relieve discomfort and antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection to the kidneys.

It is important that you finish all prescribed antibiotics, even if you feel fine, because otherwise you may develop an infection that is more difficult to treat.

Anyone with a bladder infection such as cystitis should drink plenty of water.

How to prevent it?

Lifestyle changes will help prevent some UTIs. Write down the following recommendations and start now to incorporate them into your daily life:

frequent urination

Do not go more than 2-3 hours without going to the bathroom, because bacteria tend to proliferate when urine remains in the bladder. Additionally, the act of passing urine cleanses the urinary tract. This is key when you have sexual intercourse, always remember to urinate before and especially after to clean the passage, since they can favor the passage of bacteria from the intestinal tract to the urinary tract.

Drink enough water

Consuming about 1.5 liters of water a day will help you go to the bathroom more often to urinate and wash away bacteria attached to the urinary tract.

Intimate hygiene care

Any excess is harmful. Neither wash much nor stop doing it.

Always use a specific neutral product for the hygiene of the intimate area, such as the Zenzsual cleansing foam , because if you use ordinary shower soap you can alter the pH of the vaginal walls, which facilitates the proliferation of bacteria.

Clean yourself from front to back when going to the bathroom: otherwise you will transmit bacteria from the anus to the vagina, which thus colonize the urethra and cause infection.

Do not use vaginal showers (unless the doctor has prescribed it), because it is a direct entry of water into the area, which does not necessarily imply a better cleanliness, but on the contrary, it can translate into a change in the pH of the intimate area. , exposing you to infections.

Avoid humidity and temperature changes: how can you do it?

  • Wear cotton underwear: natural fabrics promote perspiration and prevent moisture, a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Forget about wearing tight clothing that increases the temperature and humidity in your genital area.
  • Do not abuse the use of daily protectors ( salvaslips), which limit the perspiration of the skin.
  • Do not stay long in wet clothes after the gym or the pool.

Avoid constipation

By not having a regular expulsion of feces, bacteria and germs can settle very close to the bladder and then colonize the urinary tract, ending in infection.

Eat more cranberries or cranberry

According to various scientific studies, cranberry extract, in the form of nutritional supplements and other presentations, prevents bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract or decreases their concentration, which means that they can be easily eliminated, helping, therefore, to prevent infections. Some of these types of products in addition to the extract also contain vitamin C, which makes the urine more acidic and hinders bacterial growth.

In #TuSaludIntima you can get Bye Bye Cystitis , a nutritional supplement created to strengthen and protect the health of the female urinary tract. It has been formulated with a super concentrated Organic Cranberry extract, rich in Proanthocyanidins of the purest quality (PAC'S) and D-Mannose. These two ingredients, together, prevent the bacteria that regularly cause urinary tract infections from adhering to the bladder walls. In addition to these two components, the unique combination of Zensual contains Vitamin C in the form of magnesium ascorbate (which does NOT harm the stomach), Propolis Extract, Oregano and Celery Leaf Extract, providing it with a high antibacterial and antifungal power in a natural way. . In addition to being an excellent antioxidant, acting as a natural diuretic to increase the flow of urine and prevent fluid retention in the body.

Take care of the natural environment of your vagina: the bacterial flora

Another of the Zenzsual nutritional supplements that we recommend in the fight against recurring cystitis is Zenbiotic, a product that strengthens the local bacterial flora with a formula designed to enhance vaginal and digestive health and the immune well-being of the whole body; because it contains 25 billion CFUs of probiotics, which are good bacteria that coexist in the human body, favoring proper functioning and promoting natural environments that stimulate defense systems against germs that can cause disease.

For more information about Zenzsual products, visit our website: . And we invite you to review the content we share on our social networks @TuSaludIntima, and on our personal accounts: Dr. Sofía Herrera @Tu_ginecologa and Dr. Klara Senior @DoctoraKlaraSenior, who constantly share information about women's health and well-being sexuality.



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