5 mistakes you should not make on Valentine's Day
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Valentine's Day is approaching and if you have plans with your partner, today we come to give you some recommendations to facilitate the moment of intimacy. These are useful tips any day of the year so as not to interrupt the game of sensuality and the path to orgasm .
It may seem obvious, but sometimes due to trust and the routine of life with our partners, we forget some details that always add something positive to sensuality. Let's review five of them:
1. Appearance and grooming
Even if they have been married for a thousand years or simply know each other perfectly, it is gratifying to get your partner with a delicious smell, shiny teeth, clean nails, clean hair and clothes, who has taken at least one shower a day. That's the essential basics, don't you think? If we continue delving deeper, many people at the moment of intimacy look at underwear, that it is in good condition, clean and why not? make it visually appealing.
In the case of women we must look down as well. For example, our vulva looks healthy, clean, moisturized skin, well groomed mons pubis and pubic hair, not so long and many prefer to eliminate it completely or leave just a central line of protection. Whatever your choice, the important thing is that you are healthy.
To achieve this, remember not to introduce anything into your vagina that the doctor has not indicated, forget about home remedies, seats, washes and everything that can alter your pH.
To clean your intimate area, use only products specially produced for intimate hygiene, such as the #Zenzsual cleansing foam , a vegan foam with hyaluronic acid and organic cranberry extract, which provides hydration, cares for the balance of the vaginal pH and the immune system, essentials for healthy skin, odor control, soap-free and fragrance-free, suitable for sensitive skin.
2. Will you feel like that day?
The lack of desire can interrupt any celebration in the planned agenda of our life, and Valentine's Day can be one of the damaged celebrations. If stress is affecting your life, you have time with little desire or your hormones are playing a trick on you due to the arrival of menopause, postpartum or another hormonal or physical reason, consider reviewing your eating habits, exercising more and taking into account Consider the particular recommendations that we leave you in this article to activate your desire : READ IT HERE .
Remember that the stimuli that generate desire can be very varied: a touch of your skin, your smell, a sustained look, the tone of your voice. Of course, also the imagination and erotic thoughts can arouse this need to have intimate relationships.
Parallel to the implementation of all the tools that we share with you, you can take the Libizenzs nutritional supplement for a few months, the libido booster that the founders of Zenzsual created to help you balance your desire and your hormones, with natural ingredients, which can be of help to gradually recover your libido as the days go by.
3. Warm up without rush
Foreplay is not a luxury! It is an important step in the female sexual response that we never recommend skipping, since most of the times when we start an intimacy session without giving ourselves time to prepare our body for orgasm, the results are not the best: we do not lubricate enough, it hurts or bothers during penetration, or we just don't reach the climax.
The female sexual response develops in five different phases: desire, arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. We already talked about the desire that ignites the flame of passion. The warm-up is necessary to reach the plateau, that moment when the arousal intensifies through the physical stimulation of the erogenous zones and penetration arrives, to give way to the longed-for orgasm.
If we interrupt the path, there may be failures of various kinds, so let's dedicate those necessary minutes before taking the next step.
Right at this stage, using a quality intimate gel like #Zenzsual can help you stimulate the different erogenous zones of your body and that of your partner, avoiding discomfort or cracks due to rubbing without lubrication. You can use it practically anywhere on your body.
4. Verbal and non-verbal communication
Arrive together or apart ? The dream of many is to reach orgasm together. But does that really matter? Is it easy to synchronize the response of our bodies, speed them up or delay them for this purpose? Why not focus on giving and receiving pleasure? These are answers that each couple must analyze. However, it should be noted that the satisfaction of both is important, we cannot pretend to have an intimate relationship just to please the loved one, or on the contrary, to make them please you, because these types of relationships are not sustainable over time. .
Reciprocity is important, knowing your partner's body language will help you read their signs at the moment of intimacy and pace their way to orgasm. And conversely the same thing happens.
Communication outside of bed is also important, to align your expectations, your desires, your fantasies, your sexual limits and avoid disappointment or future dissatisfaction.
So you can take advantage of this Valentine's Day to strengthen communication on both levels and plan a pleasant day for both of you.
5. Close with a flourish
Just one important detail to take care of vaginal infections : remember to go to the bathroom and pee when you're done. You don't have to run to the bathroom, as soon as you climax, but after a while, try to do so to flush out any bacteria that may have gotten in during penetration, caressing, and rubbing, because they can eventually lead to an infection.
And beyond these little basic reminders, we want to tell you that you are the only one responsible for your happiness on the sexual plane. Associate with people who respect you, take care of your intimate health every day (even if you are young and not sick) and open the door of your room only to people who deserve it, because beyond momentary satisfaction, you have the opportunity to create a true bond, not only of body but of soul. And finally, being able to remember Valentine's Day as a good day in your life.
Happy Valentine friends and friends!
Connect with us through our social networks @TuSaludIntima, Dr. Sofía Herrera @Tu_ginecologa and Dr. Klara Senior @DoctoraKlaraSenior, and share with #TeamZenzsual more creative ideas to celebrate Valentine's Day with your partner.
To obtain Zenzsual products, visit our online store www.TuSaludIntima.com And on our YouTube channel #TuSaludIntima you will find many of our videos with very useful ideas to improve your intimate life and take care of your feminine health.
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