The real meaning of being an empowered and happy woman
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It is a term if you will very fashionable. But, have you ever wondered what it means to empower yourself? and even better… How can this help me to be a happy, healthy and economically independent woman? These are the answers that we will try to bring in this article.
The first…
What is female empowerment?
Although it seems like something new, and very modern times, in which many of us are leading our lives, female empowerment has actually been underway for several years. In 1995, at the celebration of the World Conference on Women in Beijing , he was already being talked about. That is, more than 25 years ago.
However, female empowerment is the process that allows the increased participation of women in all aspects of their personal and social life. Thanks to him, they can be the owners of their lives and participate fully and equally in all areas of their society, including decision-making and access to power.
Did you know that it also recognizes the leading role or preponderance that women play individually and collectively? A role that has traditionally gone unnoticed.
How empowered women benefit society
According to data from UNESCO , female empowerment would favorably influence the reduction of early marriages for girls under 15, as well as early motherhood for girls under 17 in Sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia.
If girls had access to primary education, early marriages would be reduced by 14% and by 64% if they attended secondary education.
- With respect to early pregnancies , they would be reduced by 10% if girls accessed primary education and by 59% if they did so in secondary education.
An empowered woman does not only benefit herself . It enriches the whole society. In Beijing it was already revealed that female empowerment...
- It is essential to achieve equality, development and peace.
- It is key to eradicating poverty.
- Promotes social justice.
To just mention one example , of how important empowered women are, in relation to eradicating hunger. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) explains that —the empowerment of women— helps to guarantee food security.
When rural women can access appropriate resources, tools and knowledge, families and communities gain and become stronger: children go to school, families are healthier, agricultural productivity and incomes increase…
All of this is achieved by women through their work as producers and providers of food. And more recently, it has been women who, in different roles, from science to the home, have managed to attend to and overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.
But... How have other women achieved it? How have you taken ownership of your life, health and happiness?
These are the main characteristics of empowered, healthy and happy women
Well, empowerment for any woman represents a challenge. It represents that awareness, both individually and collectively, that all women have the ability to own our actions, to take them and, ultimately, to lead our lives.
There are a number of qualities by which you will recognize an empowered woman:
- They develop their own style of leadership . Being an empowered woman does not mean repeating traditional male leadership patterns. Rather, these women are capable of finding their own way of inspiring and motivating other women and even men.
- They know how to communicate . Within the leadership skills of female empowerment, communication, negotiation and persuasion stand out. The empowered woman is capable of transmitting her message and making herself understood.
- They are influential . The empowered woman influences her environment. Not only does he have the professional skills to design his own path, but also the necessary attitude to spread his empowerment at all levels and become a benchmark.
- They are committed to innovation . To achieve this support, the empowered woman assumes the responsibility of creating change, of leaving the traditional role that society has assigned her and exploring innovative paths, both in her way of acting and in her work projects.
- They live healthy . Relying on a daily exercise routine, a healthy diet based on herbs, fruits and cereals and taking care of your general and intimate health, together with your doctor and with natural products or supplements, which, among others, help you improve the symptoms of the syndrome premenstrual, as is the case of Menstrual Zen, by Zenzsual and that you can find out about here.
- They promote female entrepreneurship . Being aware of the vicissitudes and obstacles that many working women face, the empowered woman does not seek to compete or compare herself with others, but rather fights to eliminate those barriers and invites other professionals to follow in her wake.
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All the qualities that identify empowered women produce an undeniable result: women become happy and healthy. Furthermore, as we have written before in this blog, all this change has an impact on the general health of women as well as on sexual health. Simply… because happiness is good for our health.
Now it's your turn to empower yourself and infect other women! What other qualities do empowered women have? Tell us on our social networks!
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Hola chicas, creo que también como mujeres 🌸 nos ayuda la sororidad entre nosotras mismas ,para ser empoderadas y ser seguras ante cualquier ámbito 🌺
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