Ready for Christmas? Make your Women's Health Check List

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Christmas intimate health checklist

Friends, this year was a real whirlwind of emotions and surprises, so it is time to sit down and analyze the pros and cons, to have the things that we must maintain and those that we must change to improve our state of health and have a healthy sexuality. Keep reading!

We are not talking about gifts or the holidays , which we also deserve. The question refers to the state of your body. This is an invitation to evaluate if you really are in better condition than in January, if you tried to live as healthy as possible to end this year with the goal achieved.

And it is that we have so many priorities, pending tasks and unforeseen events every day, that our feminine health is forgotten, so faithful to our purpose of taking care of #TuSaludIntima, here we bring you 10 tips so that 2020 closes in the best way for you:

The rigorous Check List:

  1. Did you visit the doctor? The gynecologist's check-up, your Pap smear, your physical exam and the conversation with the doctor to resolve any doubts about your health is essential. If you haven't done it yet, you're on time. Remember to ask if it is necessary to do:

    Bone densitometry
    Breast echo or Mammography, depending on your age.

  2. How about your diet? Check how you are eating, if you are balancing all the groups: proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates and fats. Or if rather you have exceeded with sugar and refined flours. If you feel that the situation is beyond you, ask the nutritionist for help. Remember that it is not just about looking skinny, but about being in balance and giving your body the nutrients it needs.

  3. Are you exercising enough ? It's never too late to get active. Even if they are long and vigorous walks 3 times a week. Or if you prefer to follow an exercise routine to stay with a personal trainer or go to the gym. The key issue is that you move more. Remember to go to the doctor first to validate that everything is fine and you can train as it should be.

  4. What other specialist doctors should you visit? Depending on our medical history, you may need to review if you completed your annual checkup with other doctors, such as the ophthalmologist or dermatologist, women's health is not only about the gynecologist. You have to take care of your body and mind.

  5. Did your relationships get stronger this year? How about your relationship as a couple, the connection you maintain with friends and family. All of that counts on the women's health list. It is necessary to strengthen the ties that unite us with loved ones and heal old wounds to continue in 2021.

If you feel that you have a problem with your partner that they have not been able to solve, that they are moving away or that they do not understand you, you have time to request an appointment for #SexCoaching at #TuSaludIntima.

The 5 essentials of December:

  1. Drink control: leave the glasses for those important days. Do not get out of control because you are at Christmas. Drink in moderation. Because alcohol is not the best friend of sexuality, its consumption interferes with the mental and physical response to sexual arousal, hindering relationships and, in the case of men, the ability to have an erection.

  2. Food control: we know that Christmas food is delicious, but with a lot of calories, so manage your "eaters" well and try to balance it with a healthy diet the following days. In addition, it has been proven that excess sugar, when it becomes diabetes, affects your sexuality, interferes with your desire, affects blood supply preventing it from reaching the genitals and causes a lack of lubrication and vaginal expansion that cause pain during sexual intercourse. . Read more about this topic in this article we wrote on the #Zenzsual blog.

  3. New COVID-19 Precautions: Who doesn't love to celebrate? But this year is different, you cannot relax biosecurity measures, social distancing and extreme hygiene of your hands, even during Christmas days and family gatherings.

  4. Sexuality in tune : take advantage of the end-of-year purchases to renew your feminine health kit. VagiYoga can be an excellent gift that allows you to keep your pelvic floor in tone by doing your Kegel exercises. And instead of continuing to hoard perfumes and watches, order your year-round supply of intimate gel and cleansing foam , since they are products that you must use daily to care for your genitals. Or if you need it, the Bye Bye Menopause for the biggest women in the house and the Libizenzs if you have felt low energy and low libido.

  5. Plan your goals for 2021: put it on the agenda. Those moments of intimacy deserve their space and although the surprise is fun, it is also good to make sure that there is time to dedicate to the relationship and your sexuality.

We invite you to follow the content that we share on our social networks @TuSaludIntima and that of whom we speak to you through this means, Dr. Sofía Herrera @Tu_ginecologa and Dr. Klara Senior @DoctoraKlaraSenior, who will continue to share information that will help you start the year 2021 in an optimal state of female health and living a healthy sexuality.


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