Zenzsual, a story that continues to change lives

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Do you think that the best moments always come from the worst states of crisis? Definitely we do, we never lost faith and we are convinced that the best beginnings come from there and that is why today we have a great reason to celebrate.

Today is not just any day, today we celebrate the fourth anniversary of Zenzsual and it is the perfect opportunity to toast and remember with laughter and nostalgia how we got here.

Every beginning is difficult and Zenzsual is no exception, it seems like yesterday when this project was just a very distant dream that we had as friends, we wanted to help more women regain their security and confidence, we wanted to fill that void and lack of connection with themselves, through the marriage of anti-aging medicine and gynecology.

And it definitely wasn't easy, sometimes we wanted to throw in the towel and give up, the path up to here was full of obstacles, fears, sleepless nights, tears, but above all hard work; that is why today we can say that everything has been worth it.

But just as achieving this dream was affected by different conditions, we had a great engine that made us move forward and not give up, the support of our families, this was essential to give life to this idea that inhabited our minds and hearts, and that really we wanted to materialize

Do you believe that what is meant to be will be? We do, but with effort and hard work, and that was how our dream was no longer of two women, it was the answer to the needs of many women looking for answers. This is why we are proud to affirm that from Zenzsual we created a sexual revolution that has impacted thousands of them, transforming their lives by fulfilling our purpose:

Promotional products for your intimate health

Caring for the intimate health and sexuality of women through education and our products.

Yes, that great revolution caused sales to skyrocket and an incredible community to form. We were no longer just Klara and Sofía , now Zenzsual was everything we had dreamed of, a platform that encourages and helps women to be better in all aspects of their lives through products designed for them and valuable educational content for, literally come back to life.

The secret of our success, and of course our happiness, is to do what we are passionate about and put our whole heart into it. This is how Zenzsual was born, a project created with love for you around a topic that does have to be talked about. Thank you for joining us in this task of:

Talk about sexuality freely.
Enjoy the freedom of our body.
Empower us from the functioning of our body.
Recover femininity as the central axis in the family and society.
Understand that pleasure is not reserved only for men.
Form together.
✅ Normalize each stage of our life, and live each process fully.

Spoiler alert! This is just the beginning, we still have many dreams and projects to come true, but our goal will always be the same, to impact and empower more women. So, if you also want to celebrate with us, take advantage from today until September 22, 2022, of a 35% discount on the entire store, you just have to use the code: SOYZENZSUAL .

Promotion of products for your intimate health

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