Manual to survive the premenstrual syndrome
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I hated it the first time I felt it when I still considered myself a girl, I hated everything my body felt from that moment on and every 28 days, it was hard for me to empathize with it, but in the end I made friends with my period.
We grew up hearing that menstruation was a disease, and because of all the changes and sensations that our body began to experience in each cycle, we believed it. We know that cramps and other premenstrual symptoms can be uncomfortable and painful, but the truth is that they are completely normal, they are part of a natural process.
During menstruation our uterus contracts causing the tissue that covers it, called the endometrium, to shed and leave our body through the vagina and in the form of blood. Most women suffer from cramps when our menstrual period arrives, a stinging pain that makes us feel like the world is closing in on us and the only solution we think we have is to stay in bed and feel sorry for ourselves. Why is this happening? The cause is usually the excess of prostaglandins, which are those chemicals that the uterus expels, they cause the surrounding muscles to contract and relax so that they can come out, causing those cramps and pain that we normally begin to feel even a few days before the period. . But this pain not only has its reason for being in a natural physical process, it also has an emotional component and that is that menstruation anxiety also contributes to pain. Amazing, right?
But everything does not end there, the worst thing is that colic does not come alone, it can be accompanied by other symptoms such as:
- Swollen and sore breasts.
- Headache and/or joint pain.
- Mood swings and irritability, sometimes you can cry or be sad for no reason.
- Fatigue.
- Acne.
- Weight gain.
- "Bad smell" product of the sensitivity of these days that mainly attacks the smell, and makes us think that anyone around us can perceive that we have the period
- Irritation, burning or itching of the vulva as a result of the use of products such as sanitary pads and the alkaline pH of the blood when the vagina is normally acid.
- And that mild diarrhea that screams yes! You are in your days!
We assume that it has already happened to you, and here as a curious fact and making a parenthesis, do you know why it happens? We tell you! Our feces are softer and are eliminated more frequently during menstruation, but they become firm again once our period is over, because the digestive system and intestinal transit process is closely related to female hormones.
Going back to the central issue, it is important that you know 2 things, recognize when menstrual cramps are not normal, and how you can control and reduce those annoying symptoms.
When does a menstrual cramp stop being normal?
Cramps are a normal part of PMS and menstruation itself, but when the pain is so bad that it makes it difficult for you to do your daily activities like going to school or work (which is disabling pain), exercising or simple tasks at home, it is better to consult with your gynecologist, he or she can help you find ways to manage this terrible pain and of course they will rule out that this pain may be associated with something else such as:
- A pelvic inflammatory disease which is an infection in your reproductive organs.
- Endometriosis , a medical condition that occurs when the tissue that covers and protects the uterus grows outside of it.
- Adenomyosis , when contrary to the previous one, the tissue that lines the uterus grows within its muscular wall.
- Fibroids , non-cancerous tumors that can grow inside the uterus, on its walls, or outside of it.
Cramps caused by any of these conditions should be managed directly with your doctor.
How to improve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome?
For those physical and emotional symptoms that you feel before and during the menstrual period you can try this:
- Do aerobic exercise like walking, running, bicycling, swimming, or any activity that increases your heart rate. It also includes breathing exercise, meditation or yoga. Practice it for at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week you can.
- Get enough sleep and rest, a good sleep routine can help you lower stress levels, fatigue and changes in your mood.
- Eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, grains, and yogurt. Reduce the consumption of sugar, salt, fat, caffeine and alcohol.
- To reduce the irritability of the vulva, use intimate or hygienic cotton towels, you can also use a tampon or menstrual cup.
- Moist heat applied to the abdominal area may also be beneficial.
- And an infusion of star anise is not too much to calm the pain.
And of course, our recommended plugins to make your life easier:
- Menstrual Zen , the best tool to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual period as such, those days that seem endless and in which it seems that you lose control of your body and emotions. Thanks to its natural active ingredients, vitamins and trace elements, it can help you improve mood swings, reduce inflammation and fluid retention, relieve terrible menstrual cramps and also headaches.
- Feminine Cleansing Foam with organic blueberry extract, an ideal product to clean your genitals, keep them hydrated, with a balanced pH, and very important at this time of the month, perfect for eliminating bad odors.
- Feminine Moisturizing Gel , apply a little of this product on the outside until completely absorbed and a little more on the inside, it can also help you avoid bad odor, in addition to maintaining your normal vaginal flora.
Take advantage and buy here these 3 products in the HEALTHY MENSTRUATION KIT , take it with a 30% DISCOUNT and recharge yourself with health and well-being on the occasion of the International Day of Action for Women's Health and Menstrual Hygiene.
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