Good habits to take care of your urinary tract
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Today on the #Zenzsual blog we want to talk about the health of the female urinary tract, that part of your body that is responsible for eliminating urine, after collecting liquid waste from your body.
And the easiest and most memorable way to talk about this topic is to follow the path from when urine is produced until you expel it in the bathroom:
- The kidneys are the organs that remove waste, chemicals from the blood, and excess water that the body does not need, producing urine. They help maintain the balance of chemicals (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium) in the body. In addition, the kidneys make hormones that help control blood pressure and stimulate the bone marrow to make red blood cells.
- Urine leaves your kidneys through the ureters until it reaches the bladder.
- The bladder is an excretory organ that allows purifying the body, urine is stored in it until you are ready to expel it.
- The urethra is the tube or channel that carries urine in the final phase of the urinary process, from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body during urination.
- The main sphincter muscle surrounds the midurethra and holds urine until you decide to expel it.
These are the main members of your urinary tract that you must take care of and protect from diseases on a daily basis, following some professional advice that will keep you away from them.
Avoid common urinary tract diseases
Urine or urinary tract infections encompass different infectious diseases caused by a microorganism or germ, which affect any part of the urinary system (kidney, ureters, urinary bladder or urethra), can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.
The most common urinary tract infections (UTIs) are those caused by bacteria, many of which are caused by a bacterium called Escherichia coli , which normally lives in the intestine.
Cystitis , characterized by intense pain on urination , is usually caused by a bacterial infection, the most frequent being E. coli, but some viruses and fungi such as Candida can also cause it. You should consider that certain behaviors such as holding urination or not having adequate hygiene after sexual activity can expose you to this disease. Even douching and home remedies are among the main causes of repeated cystitis.
In fact, damage to the bladder could lead to stronger kidney problems that can significantly affect the rest of the body and your quality of life.
Tips to take care of your urinary tract
- Maintain good hygiene. Preferably, bathe in a shower and not in a bathtub or tub. Stay away from oil baths and perfumed intimate products.
- Drink water constantly. It is best to just drink water. Two to four liters a day is fine.
- Don't hold back the urge to urinate. Rather try to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours. By holding urine in your bladder for too long, you can weaken your pelvic muscles and increase your chances of getting cystitis.
- Wipe from front to back so you don't drag bacteria from the anus into the urethra.
- Avoid wearing tight clothing. Wear cotton underwear and change them daily.
- Don't self medicate. By using home remedies or vaginal washes with ingredients that are not suitable for the vaginal area, you can alter the vaginal pH and drag away the good policemen, those bacteria that precisely have the function of taking care of infections.
- Comply with medical treatment. If you have acquired an infection, you must take all the antibiotics and medications that the doctor prescribes to the letter. If you stop taking it early or take it at the wrong time, the infection could come back and become more difficult to treat.
- Exercise: It is important that you exercise regularly. Especially exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, also known as Kegel exercises. Doing them every day can help prevent urine from leaking when you sneeze, cough, laugh, or have a sudden urge to urinate. At #Zenzsual we recommend using the #VagiYoga vaginal trainer , which we created to help you keep track of your exercises and measure your progress.
- Stop smoking , as it can predispose you to various types of diseases, including bladder cancer, because its dangerous chemical compounds can reach urine and come into contact with it.
- Always go to your best friend : the doctor! At the slightest symptom and before self-medicating, visit your doctor. The best thing to do is to put yourself in the hands of a professional doctor. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with your gynecologist and if necessary, he will refer you to the urologist
- Supplements that shield you! Bye Bye Cystitis is the natural supplement of #Zenzsual created by #TuSaludIntima to strengthen and protect the health of the female urinary tract. It has been formulated with a super concentrated Organic Cranberry extract, rich in Proanthocyanidins of the purest quality (PAC'S) and D-Mannose. These two ingredients, together, prevent the bacteria that regularly cause urinary tract infections from adhering to the bladder walls.
Bye Bye Cystitis also contains Vitamin C in the form of magnesium ascorbate (which does NOT harm the stomach), Propolis Extract, Oregano and Celery Leaf Extract, a formula that has a naturally high antibacterial and antifungal power. It is an excellent antioxidant, acting as a natural diuretic to increase the flow of urine and prevent fluid retention in the body.
Connect with us through our social networks @TuSaludIntima, Dr. Sofía Herrera @Tu_ginecologa and Dr. Klara Senior @DoctoraKlaraSenior, and share with #TeamZenzsual more tips on women's health and sexuality that allow us to take care of our quality of life! .
To obtain Zenzsual products, visit our online store And on our YouTube channel #TuSaludIntima you will find many of our videos with very useful ideas to improve your intimate life and take care of your feminine health.
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