Living calmly with HPV is possible

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When they give you the news that you have HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) the most common thing is that you panic. You sit on your sofa, browsing in search of information about HPV and it is most likely that after reading for a while you feel more nervous and worried than before.

You know you need to do something to protect your health, but you don't know where to start.

You are not alone. Any woman, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status, can get the Human Papillomavirus.

According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that approximately 80% of sexually active women will contract some type of HPV at some point in their lives. In the United States, it is estimated that there are more than 14 million new cases of HPV each year.

These statistics can be alarming, but it's important to remember that most HPV infections don't cause serious health problems and go away on their own. However, some strains of HPV can cause cervical cancer and other types of cancer, which makes it VERY important to schedule regular checkups with your doctor and take steps to strengthen your immune system.

Keys to prevention

Although some people can carry the virus without showing symptoms, others can get genital warts and, in more serious cases, cancer of the cervix, anus, or throat.

In addition to the physical complications, living with HPV can also have emotional and psychological effects on those who suffer from it and even sabotage your intimate life for fear of infecting your partner.

To do?

One way to strengthen your immune system is through the consumption of probiotics. These are live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host and are found in some foods and supplements.

Probiotics are simply a means to restore the number of microbes within the body, because many are killed or excreted daily in the feces. 

Currently there are studies that show that the consumption of probiotics can even help prevent the use of antibiotics. Learn about some ways it can help strengthen your immune system:

  1. Increases the production of antibodies: Probiotics stimulate the production of antibodies in the body, which helps fight viruses and bacteria.
  2. Improves digestion: A healthy digestive system allows better absorption of the nutrients necessary to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Balances the intestinal flora: Probiotics help maintain a balanced environment in the intestine, which prevents the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
  4. Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, which can help prevent disease and reduce the risk of HPV-related complications
  5. Increases resistance to infections: By strengthening the immune system, the body's ability to resist and fight infections is increased.

A convenient way to consume probiotics is with our Zenzsual Zenbiotic supplement, a booster for vaginal health, digestive system and immune system.

Take care of the hygiene of your vulva and vagina

In addition to maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut and keeping vaginal pH in a healthy range, there are other hygiene and prevention measures women living with HPV should consider.

1. Wear cotton underwear: Synthetic or tight-fitting underwear can trap moisture, which can increase the chances of infection. Therefore, the use of cotton underwear is recommended, which is more breathable and helps keep the area dry.

2. Avoid scented products: Fragranced feminine hygiene products, such as soaps, deodorants, or douches, can irritate the vaginal area and upset its natural balance, which can increase the chances of infection.

  1. Wash with mild soap and water: To maintain good intimate hygiene, it is recommended to wash with water and a mild fragrance-free soap. It is recommended to avoid the use of sponges, towels or rough or perfumed toilet paper, as they can irritate the area. We recommend our Cleansing Foam with organic blueberry extract, in its travel size you can take it in your wallet anywhere and take care of the skin of your vulva with a product specially formulated to take care of the vaginal pH balance.

5. Avoid using tampons or menstrual cups during treatment: If you are receiving treatment for HPV, it is advisable to avoid using tampons or menstrual cups, as they can introduce bacteria to the area and increase the chances of infection. Instead, it is recommended to use sanitary napkins or pads.

It is important to remember that every woman is unique and what works for one may not work for another. If you have questions about how to maintain the balance of your Vaginal pH and good intimate hygiene, it is advisable to speak with a health professional.


Living with HPV without risks

There is no cure for HPV, but as you have read, there are many things you can do to stay healthy and safe.

Most of the time, your body can fight off HPP before it causes serious problems and before you even realize you have the infection.

Always follow these recommendations:

  1. Practice safe sex : HPV is transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Therefore, it is important to practice safe sex, such as using condoms during all sexual intercourse, including oral sex.
  2. Get tested regularly : Women with HPV should have regular Pap smears and colposcopy, which help detect cervical cell changes. In this way, precancerous lesions can be treated promptly and cervical cancer can be prevented.
  3. Avoid smoking: Smoking weakens the immune system and increases the risk of developing cervical cancer in women with HPV. Therefore, it is important to avoid smoking and limit exposure to tobacco smoke.
  4. Get vaccinated : There are several types of vaccines available that can prevent infection with certain types of HPV. These vaccines are recommended for girls and boys before they are sexually active, however, they are currently administered to people who have already been exposed to the virus because they help reduce the risk of contagion from other virus subtypes and decrease the risk of the appearance of cancerous lesions.

It is important to note that although the vaccine is an effective prevention tool, it does not protect against all types of HPV, so it is important to continue practicing prevention and early detection measures.

Last but not least, hygiene and prevention. At Zenzsual we have a kit for your vaginal health that includes :

  • Zenbiotic (probiotic supplement),
  • Feminine moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid
  • Cleansing foam with cranberry extract

This is our perfect trio to maintain the natural balance of your vagina and the local defense system armored with good bacteria to the maximum, producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide that inhibit viruses and bacteria.

This month, the vaginal health trio has an unmissable offer: a 10% discount and an extra little gift that you are going to love.

With the purchase of the kit (Zenbiotic + Moisturizing Gel + Cleansing Foam) you will be rewarded. Instead of one (1) moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid in its 4-ounce presentation, we are sending you five (5) moisturizing gels in their travel-size packaging of 1 ounce each.

That is, you pay 4 and you get 5 ounces of our fabulous feminine moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid.

In addition to the 10% discount on the kit, you will enjoy one more ounce of gel that you can take advantage of and take anywhere due to its convenient presentation.

Visit our online store and purchase this super powerful trio for prevention and hygiene.

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  • Jennifer Nieto

    Deseo adquirir información del kit
    Zenzsual :
    Hola Jennifer, gracias por escribirnos, todos los productos puedes comprarlos por nuestra tienda o por el WhatsApp +1(305)771.22.52. Para apoyarte con la compra, nuestro Equipo de Atención al Cliente te contactará por correo electrónico.

    Un gran abrazo,
    Team Zenzsual

  • Miriam

    Estupenda info.

  • Luisana Santaella

    Exelente información, muy completa.

  • Andreína

    Gracias dra. Por la información me sirvió de mucho.. aclare muchas dudas. Besos y abrazos para usted desde el eso Zulia Venezuela

  • Briana Bermejo

    Muchas gracias por la información muy importante saber todo lo referente a este tema tengo un hijo adolescente y me interesa mucho colocarle esa vacuna.

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