The sexual challenges of the man with prostate cancer
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Is it possible to regain sexuality if my partner had prostate cancer? Do you have some options to overcome post-treatment limitations? What will happen to their erections? will you feel pain? Will you feel like it? These are some of the questions we will address in this article #Zenzsual
This June 11 in some countries the day of the fight against prostate cancer is celebrated and in #TuSaludIntima we unite to raise awareness about this medical condition that surprises and hits many men, who have the right to recover their sexual well-being.
The prostate is the male gland that is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Just behind the prostate are the seminal vesicles , which produce most of the semen fluid. And the urethra is the tube that carries urine and semen out of the body, through the penis, past the center of the prostate.
Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate begin to grow out of control. Almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas , which means they are cancers that develop from glandular cells (the cells that make the prostatic fluid that is added to semen).
Some prostate cancers grow and spread quickly, but most grow slowly, and many men still die from other causes without even knowing they had prostate cancer, even though they never had any visible symptoms in their lives.
Erectile dysfunction
But beyond talking about this type of cancer and its causes (because we already did it in anarticle on this blog) today we want to dedicate ourselves to making known the options available to the male survivor of prostate cancer who suffers from erectile dysfunction , to recover your sexuality, because although the success rates of treatments vary a lot, it is important not to give up and try several to find the most effective.
Let us then review the alternatives available to medical science to overcome erectile dysfunction as a consequence of prostate cancer:
1. Sexual Counseling
In many cases, sexual counseling, such as the #S excoaching sessions that we have on our website, can help the couple to consider the options and plan how to make the new treatment part of their sexual life.
2. Pills
Erectile dysfunction medications come in pill form. All of these drugs help a man get and keep an erection by getting more blood to flow to the penis. If your partner is having difficulty with erections, these pills are usually the first type of treatment recommended. However, they should consider that certain operations (such as a prostatectomy) can affect the nerves that help produce erections.
What should you know about this type of pills?- These pills are targeted to work on these nerves, which may be damaged and take time to recover (sometimes up to two years).
- Many men may find that the pills do not work well for the first few months after surgery to achieve a firm erection. However, they may be more helpful as time passes, between 18 and 24 months after surgery.
- It's important to tell your doctor about all the medications you take, including supplements, over-the-counter medications, and vitamins, because some may interact with erectile dysfunction medications or other treatments.
- Make sure you understand all the side effects of the erectile dysfunction pills you are prescribed and know when to ask for help.
- ED pills should only be taken when prescribed by your doctor and from reputable sources like a legitimate pharmacy.
3. Penile injections
Another option is to inject a medication that causes erections into the penis a few minutes before beginning sexual activity. The combination of sexual arousal along with the medication helps to produce a longer lasting and harder erection.
What should you know about injections?:- Penile injections are the most reliable treatment for erectile dysfunction and work for many men who try this treatment.
- The first injection is often given in the doctor's office, where the doctor can teach the man how to give himself subsequent injections at home.
- Although most of the time they are effective, many men feel nervous and anxious about having to receive or inject themselves into the penis.
- If you are considering these injections, make sure you are aware of and understand the side effects with the help of your treating physician.
4. Urethral pills
Another way to help erections is a urethral pill or a medicated urethral system for erection (MUSE) . An applicator is used to place a small pill (called a suppository) of medication into the urethra (that opening at the tip of the penis).
What should you know about urethral pills?:- When the pill breaks down, the medicine is absorbed through the lining of the urethra and enters the penile tissue.
- The man should urinate before inserting the pill so that the lining of the urethra is moist.
- Once the pill is in place, the penis should be massaged to facilitate absorption of the medication.
- This system may be easier than injections, but it doesn't always work as well.
- Make sure you understand all the possible side effects.
5. The Pump: The Suction Constriction Device
To help with erectile dysfunction or shortening of the penis, suction constriction devices (VEDs) may be an option. The man places a plastic cylinder over the penis and pumps air in to create a vacuum around the outside of the penis.
This suction causes the blood to concentrate inside the penis, filling the spongy tissue. When the penis is rigid, the man removes the device from the penis and places an elastic band around the base of the penis to trap the blood keeping the penis erect, which can be left on for up to half an hour.
It will take some practice to learn how to use this device and become comfortable using it. Most of them require a prescription, and as always, we recommend you consult your doctor beforehand.
6. Penile implants (prostheses)
For those men who have tried all of the above treatments and have not found one effective, surgery to implant a penile prosthesis may be an option. There are different types of implants, everything will depend on the age, size of the penis, his medical history, the needs and preferences of the man. Educate yourself as much as you can and ask your urologist about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of implant before making your decision.
7. Testosterone therapy
A low testosterone level can result in a lack of sexual desire and difficulty getting an erection. It may also result in a feeling of lack of energy. If you think you might have a low testosterone level, it's important to see your doctor, who will order some tests to determine your levels and evaluate possible treatment options.
It can be possible! You have to try it!
In short, our recommendation is always that you have to try various options and not give up trying to recover your sexual well-being. The important thing is always to have professional advice and include your partner in the search for alternatives, as a support person in this evaluation.
At #TuSaludIntima we are dedicated to creating products for the health care and sexual well-being of the women and men who are part of this network, which is why we will continue to address issues such as prostate cancer and many others that provide useful information for overcome adversities around our sexual health.
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