Flexibility is Bliss: Practicing Yoga may improve your Sex Life

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Yoga is not just a workout routine; it is a gateway to reconnecting with your body and your essence, and for many women, it is a true lifesaver. Amidst the pressures of everyday life, it is not uncommon to feel disconnected from our own vitality, especially when low sex drive or small urine leaks appear every time you bend over or sneeze. But what if we told you that there is a powerful, age-old solution that not only strengthens your body, but can also transform your intimate well-being?

Recent research confirms that yoga not only tones your muscles and improves your flexibility, but it also has a profound impact on your emotional and sexual health. In fact, studies have found that after just 12 weeks of practice, many women reported improvements in desire, more intense orgasms, and greater overall satisfaction. Plus, strengthening your pelvic floor through specific postures can prevent those pesky little leaks that, while common, don't have to be a part of your life.

In this article, we'll explore how yoga can not only restore your sexual energy, but also help you reconnect with that part of yourself that you may have put on hold. From strengthening the pelvic floor to reducing stress and improving circulation in the pelvic region, yoga is so much more than a trend; it's a practice that can give your life back that sense of control and well-being that we all deserve.

Asanas to activate our intimate health

 Regular yoga practice improves body awareness, flexibility and muscle tone, which are essential for a satisfying sex life. In addition, yoga helps improve blood circulation, particularly in the pelvic region, which increases sensitivity and improves sexual functioning. From an emotional perspective, yoga is an incredible resource for reducing stress and anxiety, factors that often negatively affect sexual health.

1. Strengthening the Pelvic Floor

A key benefit of yoga is its ability to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which play a crucial role in sexual health and physical stability. Located at the base of the pelvis, these muscles support important organs such as the bladder, uterus, and bowels. A strong pelvic floor not only improves control during sexual activity, but also prevents common problems such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, especially with aging.

Recommended postures:

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or Bridge Pose: strengthens the pelvic floor and improves circulation in the pelvic and abdominal region, which promotes reproductive health and relieves menstrual pain. It also tones the glutes and back, and by opening the chest, it helps reduce stress and anxiety. This pose is especially beneficial for improving stability and overall well-being of the body.

Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana): Stretches the hips, groin and chest, tones and strengthens the core muscles, strengthens the quadriceps and inner thigh muscles, restores the shoulders, arms and upper back, warms the body, increases circulation and gives greater width to the pelvis, which is the great energy container of the body. This is an excellent position for pregnant women.

Sofa Pose or Paryankasana – Provides a complete stretch to the anterior and antero-internal muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. The inner thighs also receive a good stretch. This pose exerts deep pressure on the uterus, abdominal organs as well as the urinary and genital organs, thereby increasing blood circulation in the abdominal region and sexual organs.

2. Increased Flexibility and Mobility

Flexibility is essential for a satisfying sex life. Yoga poses that open the hips and pelvis help improve range of motion, making intimacy more comfortable and pleasurable. The following asanas are great for promoting mobility:

Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana): opens the hips and improves flexibility in the pelvic region, helping to increase blood circulation in this area and relieve tension. It is excellent for strengthening the pelvic floor, which promotes intimate health and helps reduce menstrual pain. In addition, this posture relaxes the body and mind, contributing to a general state of well-being.

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): Deeply stretches the muscles of the hip and pelvic region, helping to release tension and improve flexibility. This pose promotes increased blood circulation in the pelvis, which promotes intimate health and relieves menstrual pain.

3. Increased Sexual Desire and Vital Energy

In the yogic tradition, prana or life energy plays a crucial role in sexuality. In particular, the awakening of Kundalini energy, which is described as a dormant energy at the base of the spine, can increase sexual desire and overall vitality. Energy yoga is particularly effective in activating this energy through specific postures and breathing techniques.

Recommended postures:

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is a key asana that stimulates the sacral chakra or Svadhisthana, the energy center associated with creativity, emotions and sexual energy. Practicing this pose opens the pelvic area and deeply stretches the front of the body, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. Bhujangasana is ideal for releasing energetic blockages in this area, helping to restore a deeper connection with the body and pleasure, which can improve both intimate life and self-esteem.

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) – This is a powerful asana that stimulates the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands, which play a crucial role in hormonal regulation. By activating these glands, Ustrasana helps balance sex hormones, which can increase libido and improve sexual function. Additionally, this pose deeply opens the chest and abdominal region, facilitating more efficient blood flow to the reproductive organs.

4. Improved Emotional Connection and Intimacy

Beyond the physical benefits, yoga fosters emotional connection, which is essential for a fulfilling intimate life. Practicing partner yoga, where both people move synchronously in shared postures, helps deepen trust, communication, and emotional intimacy.

Recommendations for couples yoga:

 Partner Forward Bend: This synchronized pose promotes coordination and fosters connection through shared movement and breathing.

Ujjayi Breathing for Couples: This deep, controlled breathing technique helps reduce stress and synchronize energy between couples, creating greater emotional harmony.

5. Why is it so important to tone my pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor plays a crucial role in female sexual health. As women age, especially after childbirth or menopause, the pelvic floor muscles begin to weaken. This can affect sexual sensitivity and cause problems such as urinary incontinence.

It is important to exercise the pelvic floor throughout life, but it becomes especially important as we approach menopause due to hormonal changes that affect the tone and function of the pelvic muscles. During menopause, decreased estrogen levels can weaken the pelvic floor, increasing the risk of urinary incontinence, prolapses and sexual dysfunction.

Keeping these muscles strong through specific exercises, such as Kegel exercises, helps preserve bladder and rectal control, improves pelvic organ support, and contributes to a healthy sex life. In addition, a strengthened pelvic floor also promotes pelvic and back stability, helping to reduce aches and pains associated with this stage of life.

 The pelvic floor has 4 main functions:

Controls the opening of the bladder and rectum.

It supports the pelvic organs such as the bladder, rectum and uterus.

Assists other abdominal, hip and back muscles in stabilizing the sacroiliac joint and hip joints.

It contributes to erections in men and helps with blood flow and vaginal contractions during sex and orgasm.

Yoga helps to strengthen all of these key muscles and increase circulation in the pelvic region, improving all of these functions as well as sexual pleasure.

Recommended exercises:

Kegel combined with yoga postures: Integrating Kegel exercises with postures such as Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) and Utkata Konasana (Goddess) is essential to tone the pelvic floor and increase body awareness.

If you also incorporate (in a consistent and disciplined manner) our pelvic floor trainer ( Vagiyoga ) into your routine, this will allow you to improve the results of yoga.

Integrating Energy Yoga into Daily Life: To experience all the intimate health benefits of yoga, it is important to integrate the practice regularly into your daily routine. The combination of flexibility postures, pelvic floor strengthening, and energy breathing techniques is key to improving both physical and emotional well-being.

Tips for daily integration:

Start with conscious breathing: Start each session with breathing techniques such as Bhramari Pranayama or Kapalbhati to prepare the body and mind.

Focus on pelvic flexibility : Incorporate poses like Baddha Konasana and Setu Bandhasana to improve mobility and muscle tone in the pelvic region.

End with deep relaxation : End each session with a relaxation posture such as Shavasana, allowing your body to fully integrate the benefits of the practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Vagiyoga and what is it used for?

Vagiyoga is an advanced Kegel exercise device designed specifically to restore pelvic floor muscle tone. This device helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area, which is essential for preventing urinary incontinence, improving the quality of your sex life and boosting your mood.

2. How can yoga help me manage menopausal symptoms?

Gentle, restorative postures, along with breathing techniques, help regulate the nervous system and balance hormones. Additionally, certain postures such as Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Goddess Pose) are very beneficial in calming the body and reducing tension.

3. What type of yoga is best suited for my sexual and emotional well-being?

For women over 45, a slower-paced or restorative yoga practice, such as Hatha Yoga or Yin Yoga, can be particularly helpful. These forms of yoga focus on relaxation, flexibility, and mind-body connection, which is ideal for addressing the stress and emotional concerns that can come with aging. Additionally, these practices are gentle on the joints, while encouraging a deep connection with one's body and improving self-image, which can have a positive impact on one's intimate life.

By regularly incorporating the practice of yoga you will not only be working to improve your intimate health, but also to cultivate an overall sense of well-being and balance in your daily life.


  1. Singh, Raghbir. Energy Yoga: Physical and Breath Control Yoga Guide . 2024.
  2. Greaux, Jacquie Noel, Langheld, Jennifer, & Rich, Garvey. Better Sex Through Yoga: Easy Routines to Boost Your Sex Drive, Enhance Physical Pleasure, and Spice Up Your Bedroom Life . Harmony Books, 2007.
  3. Finan, Lewis. Better Sex with Yoga: A Journey to Better Sex and Greater Pleasure through Yoga Poses, and Meditation for Enhancing Sexual Fulfillment . 2023.
  4. Medina, Oliver. Pelvic Floor Yoga for Seniors: 28 Day Challenge. 2024.

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