IS THE FREQUENCY OF URINATION IMPORTANT? this is what your body is saying.

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Have you ever wondered how many times it is normal to urinate a day? Have you noticed that you go to the bathroom more often than usual? Or, on the contrary, are you one of those who hardly ever feel like it?

The frequency when urinating can be an annoying problem for some people, especially when the urge to "pee" is so frequent that it affects your daily activities and/or is accompanied by other alarm symptoms that you should be aware of to know when it is vital to go to the toilet. doctor.

So if you are one of those who has to have the bathroom always located or periodically you have a greater urge to urinate than usual, keep reading because today in this article you are going to discover the possible causes and what you can do to solve it.

Our urine tells us about our health, paying attention to our urine frequency, quantity, consistency and smell, as well as any changes in our urination patterns, can help us detect health problems early and receive appropriate treatment.

What is the normal urination process like and how many times is it normal to urinate a day?

We tell you very simply. The urination process is controlled by many factors, by your kidneys, by the type and amount of drinks and food you consume, by your nervous system, by your bladder and the muscles that surround it.

A person normally urinates between 4 and 8 times a day and is generally considered healthy if urination does not cause any problems or discomfort. Normal urination also implies a sense of control, so you can wait until you find a bathroom if you need to.

Normally when your bladder fills with urine, it stretches and that sends a signal to your brain that tells you and gives you that feeling of wanting to urinate. If you decide to go to the bathroom and pee, the muscles that form the bladder contract to expel urine through the urethra, while the pelvic floor relaxes to let urine out of the urethra. If these two groups of muscles (those that form your bladder and those of the pelvic floor) are not working correctly, you have an infection or if there is a problem with your bladder, you consume a lot of liquids (especially if they are irritating), you have anxiety or stress , the normal process of urination gets out of control and can increase your number of times you go to the bathroom.

Possible Causes of Frequent Urination

  • excessive fluid intake
  • Cystitis
  • Infections of the urinary tract
  • Overactive bladder
  • The caffeine
  • The alcohol
  • bladder stones
  • Neurological disorders
  • certain medications

Cystitis and urinary tract infections require special attention because lower urinary tract infection is often confused with cystitis and although the symptoms are similar, they are not the same.

Cystitis is inflammation of the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra) and does not necessarily have to be due to an infection, it can also be caused by the use of inappropriate intimate care products (soaps that are not for the area, lubricants with smell and taste, flavorings for oral sex or foods placed in the area during sexual activity, or even by some medications or indirectly by a vaginitis that irritates the entrance of the urethra without the need for a urinary infection, that is, of bacteria in the urinary tract).

However, a urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enter the urethra, generally from the skin around the vagina or rectum, and infect the urinary tract and generally affect the bladder and urethra, irritating it, inflaming it and causing a process of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder)

You follow us? This means that the infection implies that there is always inflammation of the urinary tract but there can also be inflammation without infection for the reasons that we mentioned before.

How do I know if I have a urine infection or not?

Well, normally the urinary infection is accompanied by pain and burning to urinate, you urinate many times but little, it can be accompanied by a feeling of "pushing" and you are left with the feeling of wanting to urinate, in addition to being accompanied by fever and blood in the urine. But to know if you have an infection or not, it is important that you visit the doctor, who will surely send you to do a urine test with urine culture and antibiogram to determine what type of bacteria you have and what is the ideal antibiotic to treat it.

What can I do to minimize the symptoms?

  1. Consume at least 4 glasses of water a day (ideally 8)
  2. Avoid sugar consumption
  3. Rest while you have symptoms of inflammation and/or infection (including sexual rest)
  4. Clean and hydrate your genitals with products suitable for the intimate area such as the cleansing foam and the intimate moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid from Zenzsual that care for your intimate area, regenerate, rehydrate, activate your local immune system and regulate the pH of your external genitalia, helping to protect you from urinary and vaginal infections.
  5. Consume nutritional supplements that contain a lot of vitamin C, D-Mannose, blueberries, propolis, oregano and celery extract, which together have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic properties and best of all, they are Natural! So they help you prevent urinary infections and help you control their symptoms. These are the active principles of our Bye Bye Cystitis which has the advantage of containing Vitamin C in the form of magnesium ascorbate (which does NOT harm the stomach and helps to combat pain when urinating), a unique formula on the market that has a high antibacterial and antifungal power naturally. It is an excellent antioxidant and also acts as a natural diuretic to increase the flow of urine and prevent fluid retention in the body, creating a protective layer in the bladder, which makes bacteria slip and cannot adhere to the walls of the bladder. the urinary tract thus helping to control the infection faster.

Yes indeed! Remember to follow the instructions of your treating doctor and if he sent you any medication, DO NOT STOP TAKING IT! Comply with the exact days that I send you to take antibiotics and other medications to prevent bacteria from creating resistance and infections from returning.

The doctor told me that I don't have an infection that what could this urine pot be then?

There are other causes that can lead you to have many visits to the bathroom, including at night. Here we briefly mention some of them, with the most common symptoms that accompany urinating, but we want to remind you that if your voiding pattern is altered from your normal, it is vital that you see a doctor:

Overactive bladder: It can be manifested by an increase in the urge to urinate accompanied by a sudden feeling of urgency, and sometimes, also accompanied by urine leakage. The causes are diverse and basically it is due to damage to the bladder muscle, it goes crazy and suddenly contracts, sending that urgent sensation to urinate to your brain. This topic deserves a complete article, so we invite you to be attentive to our next publications.

Diabetes: when it is not controlled, apart from urinating, symptoms are associated such as: a sensation of permanent thirst, very clear urine, almost like water, sudden weight loss or gain, among others.

Medications: the consumption of medications such as diuretics or some antihypertensives combined with diuretics can increase the frequency with which you go to the bathroom.

Calculations or stones in the urinary tract: increased micturition frequency can be accompanied by pain in the back of the back, a feeling of chills when urinating, sometimes bleeding when urinating.

Stress and anxiety: they can also affect your frequency of going to the bathroom and is usually associated with a feeling of permanent angst.

Age: The natural aging process affects the elasticity of the bladder muscle and reduces its ability to retain or contract properly, and there may sometimes be an increase in micturition frequency.

When should I visit the doctor?

First of all, if it is something new that appeared, you must ask yourself: am I drinking more fluid than usual? If the answer is yes, you know what you have to do, control your intake a little. If the answer is NO, you should already take action and consult . Below, we mention symptoms that may indicate that you are in the presence of a condition that requires help:

  • Urinating more often than usual, especially at night.
  • Feeling of urgency to urinate immediately.
  • Difficulty holding urine.
  • Difficulty starting to urinate.
  • Pain or burning when urinating.
  • Urine with blood
  • Weak or intermittent urination.
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or back.
  • Fever or chills (in case of infection)

What can I do to have a good health of my urinary tract?

Next, we will give you some preventive measures to maintain a comprehensive health of your urinary system:

Drink enough water: It is important to stay hydrated and drink enough water, but it is also important to control consumption if you are not spending much, especially before bed. Avoid drinking large amounts at one time.

Fully empty your bladder: Make sure you sit in a relaxed manner to loosen up your pelvic floor so you can fully empty your bladder each time you go to the bathroom. Never push during the act, it is not necessary, take whatever time it takes to achieve this.

Do not hold the urge to pee: whenever you feel the first sensation of urination, obey your body, find a bathroom.

Clean your genitals from front to back: to avoid contamination and bacterial infections of the anal area.

Use appropriate products to clean and moisturize the area: As we mentioned before, using the right products to clean and moisturize the area is vital to maintain not only urinary health but also intimate health. Our perfect duo Cleansing foam and moisturizing gel, both with hyaluronic acid, are fabulous for this job.

Urinate after having sex.

Wear cotton underwear.

Do Kegel exercises : to keep your pelvic floor strong and healthy. We recommend if you want to know more about this topic, visit this article:

Maintain a stable weight: being overweight puts you at greater risk of having problems with your urinary tract.

Avoid coffee and alcohol: they are irritating and can make symptoms worse.

Watch what you eat: some products such as soda, spicy, artificial sweeteners could worsen bladder problems.

Eat enough fiber to avoid constipation

Consume natural products that provide you with nutrients that contribute to your urinary health, such as our Bye Bye Cystitis

On this occasion, we who love to take care of your intimate health, we leave you this super offer that you cannot miss, because you can take our supplement that takes care of your urinary health, Bye Bye Cystitis , totally FREE , when you buy our Feminine Cleansing Foam and Feminine Moisturizing Gel from Zenzsual with a 20% discount.

Do not put aside your intimate health, take these tips into account and pay attention to what your body says. Take action today!

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  • Marisol Delafuente

    Muchas gracias por la información, siempre leo sus artículos, me parecen excelentes y muy educativos.

  • José Córdova González

    Gracias, excelente, científico y claro.

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