Your gynecologist, one more friend
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How many of you have been afraid to visit a gynecologist? Going with him or her is not the end of the world, it is a simple visit that can fix your life. Therefore, it is time for you to stop asking your friends or family for advice and settle for home remedies that can worsen your health; and start making your gynecologist part of your circle of trust; Your specialized review and timely diagnosis will always be the best for you.
Shame, fear or ignorance? It is time to continue deconstructing myths and taboos because visiting your gynecologist should be something normal and you should lose your fear of it. We understand that it can be difficult to lose your nerves every time that appointment approaches, and although there are women who can easily talk about their intimacy with their doctor, there are also those for whom that moment is a real ordeal and the anxiety takes over his entire body; the important thing is that we educate ourselves and try to ensure our health.
Although many women even delay their first appointment with the specialist for years after maintaining an active sexual life, this is what we want you to know about a visit to your gynecologist:
- No, your gynecologist is not your Saturday night appointment. So superficial issues like "I'm not shaved well" are not cause for concern, they are professionals in what they do and they will not judge you for something like that, the essential thing is your well-being.
- When, how often and how, don't wait too long! Your gynecologist can help you from before you start your sexual life to talk openly about the subject, find out the best method of family planning, take away the pain of being checked, etc.
- Do not stay without asking a question no matter how "embarrassing" it is. Never leave with the same or more doubts than you already had, your gynecologist does not have to know everything about your intimate life with "hair and signs" she will only find out what is necessary, and you should not keep your concerns about menstruation, libido , masturbation, orgasms, lubrication, fertility, contraception, dysfunction, pain, etc.
- Don't be scared when asking for STD tests. Some of the sexually transmitted diseases do not show any symptoms, so it is good to do it; Remember that if your result is positive, we increasingly have more and better solutions to lead an optimal life.
- Don't skip your reviews. The most important thing will always be prevention and for this, it is necessary that you comply with your annual check-ups or according to the recommendation of your doctor if you take contraceptives, age factors, if you have had any problems, etc.
Don't forget your control exams. Routine exams should be performed annually for the early diagnosis and prevention of diseases such as breast, cervix and even thyroid cancer, these are the most important:
- Cytology. To early identify any signs of cervical cancer, you must get this test without fail every year, it could save your life.
- Physical exam of breasts. A careful manual examination by you or your doctor can help discover lumps or unusual changes in your breasts and make an early diagnosis.
- Mammography. A very useful test to detect all types of breast cancer, improving your doctor's ability to detect the smallest tumors. It is recommended for people over 40 - 45 years of age every 1 to 2 years (according to the doctor's criteria).
- Breast ultrasound. A non-invasive imaging test that detects lesions or tumors that mammography does not distinguish. It is practiced through ultrasound and is performed according to medical criteria.
- Tumor markers. If you have a history of breast cancer, this test looks for cancer markers in your blood, urine, or body tissues and are substances that these cells produce in response to the disease.
Why do we put so much emphasis on this topic? Because Dr. Sofía (even though she was a gynecologist) had cancer and what "saved" her from this disease progressing were her periodic medical examinations and it was through this annual control with her gynecologist that they detected a lesion that was not palpable with physical exam. They deepened the studies and found a very small lesion, exactly 0.8 centimeters and being localized, the operation was enough to recover, avoiding chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Not all cases are the same... but the earlier the diagnosis, the more likely it is to completely eradicate any malignant disease and/or increase quality of life. Today we celebrate the life of @tu_ginecologa Dr. Sofia Herrera. CEO and Founder of @tusaludintima by Zenzsual. A woman free of cancer and with her 2 new reconstructed lolas well on!
Your comfort first. If you realize that you really can't talk to your gynecologist about certain issues, don't hesitate to change until you find a professional with whom you can trust and feel comfortable.
If you have a preference for one sex or the other, choose freely. We all have preferences, that is something inevitable, some women prefer to be treated by women because they offer that closeness and empathy that we are looking for, however, there are also those who choose that their consultation be with a man because they want to.
9. Your gynecologist is your friend. Once you find that person with whom you feel comfortable, you will see that little by little and control after control, you will be able to build a bond of doctor-patient trust and even friendship with them. This will be one of the keys to make the previous points more bearable and you can really sit down and talk about intimate health and sexuality without fear and insecurities.

Remember to go regularly, get your routine checkups and be aware of all the changes and discomfort that you perceive in your body to avoid illnesses or major problems. Without a doubt, your gynecologist, as well as your best friend, is essential in your life, and even more so, she is your ally in the care of your intimate health. For this reason, and for Friendship Day, we have a special promo for you, our "Unique Friendship" kit that contains the Female Moisturizing Gel Kit with Hyaluronic Acid + 2x1 Female Cleansing Foam . Buy yours here and discover all its benefits.
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