Anal sex: A hygienic practice?
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Many women wonder if it is safe or if it is unhygienic to have anal sex and, because of this doubt, they do not decide to try this technique. Today we come to explain the details about hygiene and its risks so that you make a rational decision about it, and if you decide to do it, do it safely.
To say that anal sex is a 'dirty' practice is not an entirely true statement, repeated by those who are unaware that it can be a safe and satisfying practice, as long as they learn to do it correctly, taking into account all the risks it entails.
Implicit risks in anal sex
Heterosexual women who practice it are more and more frequent, so it is important that all of them know what are the risks they are exposed to when having anal sex:
Risk of having anal fissures and tears : the anus is a sphincter that is very closed and has no lubrication. Its morphology is different from that of the vagina, which makes it very possible that by dilating and forcing it the anus has some perceptible or non-perceptible lesions and ruptures, it can be injured, leaving the mucosa exposed without protection.
Risk of suffering from fecal incontinence : when having anal sex with a recurring frequency, it is possible that the anus can distend and become incontinent, which means that it does not close, has involuntary leaks of "flatus or farts" and even feces, product of the continuous stretching of these tissues, which then do not recover their functions.
- Risk of contracting infections and sexually transmitted diseases : with anal sex, the bottom of the walls of the anus can suffer micro abrasions, due to the lack of lubrication, which in turn can cause a rupture of the walls at a microscopic level. By having more friction , it is likely to get infections by having anal sex, because And since there is fecal matter in the anus, the possibilities of contact of feces with blood increase, generating infections.
Additionally, if there is ejaculation inside the fissured anus and the man is a carrier of any disease (HIV, STD, hepatitis, etc.), you will have a greater chance of contracting them.
Learn to practice it hygienically and safely
It is often thought that anal sex is an unhygienic practice, due to the fecal matter that the intestine produces and that we expel through the anus. But it shouldn't be, since there are different alternatives to prevent this from happening:
Previously evacuate from privacy . To empty the intestines in its entirety and avoid pain associated with the pressure generated by the penis.
Clean the anal area with a suitable product for your intimate health such as the #Zenzsual cleansing foam , before and after sexual intercourse.
Use a condom or condom to avoid contact with your partner's feces, prevent infections, and avoid cross-contamination to the vagina.
Use a silicone-based lubricant (high medical grade) such as TABÚ LUB By #Zenzsual , which is an exclusive lubricant for anal use, which prevents pain and minimizes the risk of fissures. Saliva is not enough.
At the moment of intimacy, NEVER INTRODUCE THE VAGINA WHEN LEAVING THE ANO. At that time, you must change the condom, because if you do not expose yourself to contracting a serious vaginal or urinary infection.
Occasionally you can consider performing anal showers, to make a deeper wash in the final area where the stools gather.
- Recommended frequency: there are no known clinical studies that indicate the ideal frequency to have anal sex, to avoid the risks associated with this practice. So we recommend that it not become a frequent and habitual sexual activity.
In conclusion, when thinking about anal sex : Always, but always! You must use as an essential requirement: silicone-based gel + condoms , because you already know that it is more likely to get a sexual disease through the anus than through the vagina.
At #TuSaludIntima we are dedicated to creating products for women's health care and sexual well-being and that is why we want to better inform you about those aspects that allow you to improve your health and sexuality, because our purpose is to help you take care of your health.
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