Identify the natural smell of your vagina
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The vagina has a unique fragrance and for this reason we recommend that you become aware of the smell of your vagina and be attentive to changes that may indicate a health situation to attend to, what is normal and when to see a gynecologist.
Daily habits, grooming technique, diet, health, and other factors can affect the natural odor. The first thing is that we must respect our natural smell, because it is neither healthy nor safe to try to eliminate vaginal odor. In fact, doing so can lead to infections that end up causing an unpleasant odor.
It is important to know each other, to identify your flow according to the moment of life and the month in which you are and to avoid the bad habits that we repeat by use and habit.
So let's get straight to some strategies that can safely reduce vaginal odor and address the underlying medical causes.
What is normal when it comes to vaginal odor?
Don't feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your vaginal odor. These negative feelings don't have to affect your self-esteem and body image. Take note and learn!
Odors that are generally considered "vaginal odor" can originate anywhere in the female groin area. They can come from vaginal infections, where the odor actually originates from the vagina, or it can come from the skin due to poor hygiene or other reasons.
What should you know about your vaginal odor?
- It is normal for the vagina to have a slight musty odor, due in part to pheromones.
- Health and diet can affect the natural odor of the vagina.
- The smell changes with hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause and the menstrual cycle. So, a certain slight odor should not be a cause for concern.
- Some other odors, however, are an indication that you should consult your doctor. Learn what they are:
Red alert! Rotten fish smell in the vagina
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection among women of childbearing age. When something disrupts the complex chemistry of the vagina, it can lead to an uncontrolled growth of bacteria that causes a fishy odor.
Some women who have vaginosis experience other symptoms , such as itching or burning, similar to those you might feel with a yeast infection. However, for many women, the smell is the only symptom. Antibiotics can treat the problem and must be prescribed by a doctor.
Healthy habits can also decrease the risk of vaginosis. These include:
- Avoid douching, which upsets the delicate pH balance of the vagina.
- Do not use perfumed or flavored products in the vagina or in the vulvar area.
- Not using other products, such as scented tampons, can alter vaginal chemistry and cause vaginosis.
- Limit the number of sexual partners and have protected sex. While BV is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI), having many sexual partners can upset the balance of bacteria in the vagina, causing vaginosis.
Sweet or beer-like vaginal odor
The vagina may also have an odor similar to beer , flour, or bread due to an overgrowth of fungus that can produce a sweet odor similar to the smell of honey or cookies.
Sometimes the smell is sour, but it can also be pleasant. Yeast infections are usually accompanied by intense burning, itching, or a dry feeling. They tend to get worse over time, and some women may notice a cottage cheese-like discharge.
If you are experiencing a fungal infection you should talk to your doctor to rule out other causes.
To prevent vaginosis, you should avoid scented products and never douche, they can also prevent yeast overgrowth. Other strategies include:
- Take antibiotics only when indicated by the doctor and necessary: the abuse in the intake of antibiotics destroys vaginal bacteria, triggering the growth of yeast in the vagina.
- Avoid oral sex with people who have oral thrush.
- Keep the vaginal area relatively dry: since fungi proliferate in a humid environment. Towel dry after bathing or showering, and avoid sitting in wet bathing suits or underwear.
Other odors to attend to
Hormonal changes during menopause can alter the smell of the vagina and make it dry. Any change in vaginal odor, especially if it is unpleasant, is an indication that a doctor should be consulted to validate the diagnosis, because some diseases, such as trichomoniasis, can also alter the odor of the vagina.
Tips to take care of vaginal odor
1. Hygiene technique
Safe and careful vaginal hygiene practices can reduce vaginal odor. Some strategies include:
- Using a mild, unscented soap only on the vulvar area (and ditch regular soap), with no scent or fragrance and applying it only to the vulva can help reduce vaginal odor. Inserting the soap into the vagina can alter the vaginal pH, causing infections and a foul odor.
There are a variety of scent-free products that can be purchased online. Like the "Total Vaginal Health" KIT from TuSaludIntima. Bring the Zenzsual cleansing foam to cleanse, the Zenzsual Moisturizing Gel to apply after cleaning and the Zenbiotic nutritional supplement to consume the probiotics that strengthen vaginal health from within. Which makes it a comprehensive strategy to shield yourself from infections and bad odors.
- Wiping from front to back: This prevents fecal matter from reaching the vaginal area.
- Urinate immediately after having sexual intercourse, to eliminate those bacteria that could enter with penetration.
- Change underwear daily or when it is sweaty or stained. And prefer cotton or natural fabrics, which let your intimate area breathe.
- Wash underwear with unscented products.
- Avoid douching, which upsets the delicate pH balance of the vagina.
- Wash the vulva with water if it has an unpleasant odor.
- Use an exclusive cloth, used only to carefully dry the area, eliminating sweat and other sources of odor.
2. Menstrual products
Some women notice a stronger vaginal odor when they have their menstrual cycle; others feel a metallic odor, and still others an ammonia-like odor.
Some menstrual products trap odor, aggravating this effect. To reduce odor:
- Try using internal products, such as the menstrual cup. Moisture from sanitary napkins and reusable cloth wipes can contribute to odor. Sitting on a wet washcloth can also lead to an infection. Internal menstrual products, including menstrual cups are an option.
- If you prefer to continue using pads or tampons, change them frequently (no more than 4 hours inside).
3. Sexual intercourse and vaginal odor
Some women notice a strong fishy odor immediately after intercourse, which is a telltale sign of bacterial vaginosis. Others notice a less distinctive odor. Sometimes, interactions between semen and vaginal fluids can cause vaginal-vulvar malodor. And some lubricants can change the vaginal pH and the odor that comes with it.
To decrease odor associated with vaginal intercourse:
- Use a condom to prevent semen from coming into contact with vaginal fluids. Compare the different brands of condoms and the products to choose the most suitable one before the purchase.
- Rinse the vagina and vulva with just water after intercourse. Don't use douches.
- Avoid using scented or flavored lubricants.
4. Probiotics
Probiotics support healthy bacteria throughout the body , including in the vagina. They can help prevent some vaginal infections, particularly yeast infections. Compare different products before buying.
By controlling infections, probiotics can lessen the causes of vaginal odor. Since probiotics help restore normal vaginal pH, they would also help reduce odor.
This is why we always recommend the Zenbiotic nutritional supplement , because one of the first lines of defense in the body is the local bacterial flora. And Zenbiotic is formulated to support vaginal health as well as full-body digestive and immune wellness.
It contains 25 billion CFUs of probiotics, which are good bacteria that coexist in the human body, promoting proper functioning and promoting natural environments that stimulate defense systems against germs that can cause disease.
It is a product specially made with Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli specific to the vagina , to reduce the frequency of the most common female problems such as: vaginal pH imbalance and the presence of yeasts or fungi (Candidiasis).
5. Clothes
- Clothing often accumulates potential causes of bad odor in the vaginal area, for example: sweat, dead skin, discharge, semen dripping from previous intercourse, and other sources of odor.
- Very tight clothing can be responsible for the bad smell. This includes some types of girdles. Fecal matter that reaches the vagina or vulva can cause infections and bad odors, so you should avoid clothing that encourages it. This includes very tight or small thongs.
- Breathable cotton is the best option for women who are concerned about vaginal odor. Cotton is less likely to hold moisture in the vagina. This makes it more difficult for bacteria and other sources of odor to accumulate and a strong odor to develop.
6. Food
- Staying hydrated helps keep sweat from stinking. It also helps prevent the overgrowth of bacteria, so there will be a less pronounced vaginal odor.
- Highly sugary foods can trigger yeast overgrowth, altering the odor of the vagina.
- There is some evidence that certain strong-smelling foods might also change the smell of the vagina. Onions, coffee, and other strong-smelling foods can alter how the vagina smells by changing the smell of sweat and other bodily fluids.
There is little scientific research to support the use of any specific food that modifies the odor of the vagina. Anecdotal reports suggest that sweet-smelling foods, such as cantaloupe, apples, and celery, may help.
Consequently, the most important thing is that you pay attention to your smells . While that happens, it is in your hands to try to lead a healthier and more pleasant daily life and sexual life. So the best thing is to try with the tools you have and get the healthy benefits for you and your relationship.
To get more tips like this, we recommend you visit our online store : where you can buy these products and learn about new ways to shield TuSaludIntima with Zenzsual.
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