Special guide: Coping with cancer from sexuality
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Every February 4, it is the day that efforts are made worldwide to raise awareness about cancer. From TuSaludIntima we want to join the message, also from our perspective on sexuality. If you are diagnosed or know someone with cancer, send them this article.
But first….
Why is cancer awareness so important?
Some data from the WHO and PAHO can help us understand what we are talking about . In the Region of the Americas, cancer is the second cause of death. It is estimated that 4 million people were diagnosed in 2020 and 1.4 million died from this disease. Approximately 57% of new cancer cases and 47% of deaths occur in people 69 years of age or younger, that is, when they are in the prime of their lives.
The types of cancer most frequently diagnosed among men are:
prostate (21.7%), lung (8.9%), colorectal (7.8%), bladder (4.5%), and skin melanoma (3.4%).
Among women, the types of cancer with the highest incidence are:
breast (25.4%), lung (8.5%), colorectal (7.9%), thyroid (5%) and cervical (3.8%)
What is the future cancer trend?
Experts indicate that the burden of cancer will increase by approximately 60% over the next two decades, further affecting health systems, individuals and communities. The global cancer burden is projected to rise to about 30 million new cases by 2040, with the greatest growth occurring in low- and middle-income countries.
If measures are not taken to prevent and control cancer, it is expected that the number of people who will be diagnosed with cancer will increase by 55%, which means approximately 6.23 million people by 2040, in the Region of the Americas.
The good news is: Cancer can be prevented and controlled.
At the medical level, much can be done for cancer prevention, screening, early detection, treatment, and access to palliative care. And here at TuSaludIntima we always spend our time crushing everything that each one of us can do individually.
What can we do to lower cancer risk factors?
It is very easy and we always say it clearly:
- DO NOT smoke, avoid tobacco use.
- Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which also helps many of our sexuality.
- DO NOT consume alcohol or do not do it in excess. Another great enemy besides healthy sexuality.
- Do exercises every day! You have to move friend or friend!
All of the above also helps us prevent chronic infections of the human papilloma virus (HPV) —for cervical cancer—, hepatitis B and C —for liver cancer— and H. pylori —for stomach cancer.
Something is VERY important . The prevention of cancer is a choice of each person. In other words, it depends on me, to lead a healthy life, to lower the risk of developing cancer.
Can cancer affect my sexuality?
Yes, yes you can. And it happens a lot that when you are diagnosed or diagnosed with any type of cancer, your sex life possibly takes a backseat. Simply because you are focused on complying with the medical treatment to the letter. Also going through a whirlwind of emotions when assuming many changes in your lifestyle and drawing the strength to overcome all the implicit effects.
But you should know that sex, sexuality, and intimacy are just as important to people with cancer as they are to people without cancer . In fact, sexuality and intimacy have been shown to help people coping with cancer, making it easier to cope with feelings of distress and to go through treatment.
And while a person's sexual organs, sexual desire (sex drive or libido), sexual function, well-being and body image can be affected by cancer and its treatment. It does not mean that we cannot continue our sexual life.
Guide to coping with cancer from sexuality
At TuSaludIntima de Zenzsual we know that it is a path with many stages and not a few difficulties, but from here we want to accompany you on this path, sharing everything you can do, so as not to lose your sexuality while you fully recover.
- Ask your doctor all the necessary questions: We always tell you. Have an honest conversation with your doctor about the changes you may experience as a result of treating your condition. It is key that you know the root of the problem. Here we share some basic questions that you should not leave out:
- What sexual changes or problems are common with your treatment?
- What are the side effects you may feel at each stage of treatment? pain, tiredness, hair loss, lack of interest or desire, sadness or difficulty sleeping or any other symptom that affects your sexual life.
- When might these changes occur?
- How long could these problems last? Will they be permanent?
- How can these problems be prevented, treated or controlled?
- What other specialists should you consult?
- Is there a support group you can go to?
- What precautions do you need to observe during treatment? For example, should my partner use a condom? Are there some situations in which I should avoid sexual activity?
- What contraceptive method is recommended during treatment?
- Talk calmly about sex with your partner : in a friendly and thoughtful tone. Without issuing value judgments or looking guilty. Sit down with your partner about how you feel about this, what kind of support you expect from him or her, and what steps you can take together to stay sexually connected. It is important that you listen to their point of view and take it into account. If you need support from a professional, you can request SexCoaching sessions here .
- Keep an open mind. Especially, about the ways in which you feel sexual pleasure. There may be times when the kind of sex you like best is not possible. It is the opportunity to learn new ways to give and receive sexual pleasure with your partner. Together they can be stimulated to orgasm through touch and caresses. Or if you prefer you can try masturbation. Do not discard the opportunity to feel pleasure, just because your routine has changed. Here the Zenzsual Femino Moisturizing Gel can be an extraordinary ally.
- Activate your sexual brain. This is where eroticism comes into play. Connect again to your most erotic thoughts. Start by reading erotic literature, watching sensual movies (we suggest the so-called ethical porn) or bring to mind those moments of sexual encounters from the past that make you relive desire. During and after cancer it is normal for sexual desire to drop. You can support yourself with a natural herbal nutritional supplement like Libizenzs . That in the version for men, Libizenzs Men , improves erections because it stimulates blood circulation.
- In the case of women, do not neglect your vagina . Touching yourself sensually and/or sexually alone or with your partner is something you can always do. Since your ability to feel pleasure through touch remains forever. Here you can help yourself with VagiYoga, a pelvic floor muscle rehabilitator . Both for doing Kegel exercises and for masturbation, it is an ideal ally to keep your vagina and its muscles as toned as possible.
- In the case of men, rediscover virility. For men it has never been a problem to think about sex, right? Then take the opportunity to reconnect with your erotic thoughts. Share with your partner everything you can on an erotic level. Come back to petting together, especially the ones that are NOT just focused on the penis. You will see how desire and sexual potency will gradually recover.
- Work your self esteem . Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, remember your virtues. If you lose your hair, you can opt for a wig, hat, or bandana to feel more comfortable. The important thing is that you find a way to feel better about yourself, at all times of the disease. Humor, for example, is another great ally. And anxiety and anguish for the future appear, you always have the alternative of doing meditation and even practicing Yoga. Many alternatives are there, closer than you think.
From the TuSaludIntima Team we believe that there is a lot that can be done. Facing cancer, whatever it is, also requires being aware of the attitude with which we can live it and transcend it. So cheer up! With a positive emotion, the adequate support of your loved ones, your partner and professional attention, you will be able to rediscover your sexuality, overcoming and winning the battle against cancer.
Remember that the ZENZSUAL KIT can be a wonderful ally for the challenge that cancer presents with sexuality. Because it contains: Libizenzs, the herbal nutritional supplement that helps increase sexual desire, Female Moisturizing Gel, water-based and with a high content of hyaluronic acid, and VagiYoga, a pelvic floor rehabilitator that, due to its function of vibrating, also helps in masturbation. Find the ZENZSUAL KIT today here.
We invite you every week to read more articles like this on our blog , where we always share health and sexuality tips for your well-being. Follow us on our social networks as: @tusaludintima the @doctoraklarasenior and Dr. Sofía Herrera as @tu_ginecologa. Share with us the comments, doubts or concerns that you want to address and we will always respond.
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