Sexual Health in the digital world 10 tips to have safe virtual sex!
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Since 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health invites us to celebrate World Sexual Health Day to promote the well-being and rights of all in matters of sexuality. It was a proposal from the then President Rosemary Coates of Australia, which became a key strategy to approach these issues of Sexual Health.
“Turn it on: sexual health in the digital world” is this year's slogan to highlight the importance of asserting sexual rights, as there are many violations and abuses of those in the digital space.
This campaign reminds us that we live in a world that does not differentiate between digital and analog to connect in our relationships, in the exchange of ideas and in our learning. “ The digital world has become a daily space in which we spend many moments of our day to day, where we have universal connections that allow us to access and expand content and information to promote sexual health and sexual rights through the dissemination of messages appropriate ”.
Technologies help to promote health, the ideal tool to ensure that communication in social networks promotes involvement in self-care for health. Especially in groups that are not reached with traditional methods such as young people.
- The use of smartphones and the penetration of technology in daily life has become an opportunity to educate through communication.
- The development of applications for mobile phones and tablets: it has been a dynamic, individual and interactive way of reaching people. In the case of health promotion, mobile applications have made it possible to develop closer communication strategies. And there is a high number of apps aimed at young people and sexuality.
- Cyberspace: it has become a referential framework not only for the search for information, but also for the issuance of messages, with the absolute certainty of its visibility and expansion.
- The internet doctor : has become a source of consultation and recommendation. From the consultation forums generated by anonymous (non-referential) users and laymen in the matter, to the boom in specialized consultation and health promotion websites.
- Quantity and quality of information: there is a high traffic of online data oriented towards the active search for information and advice on health matters.
Virtual Sex: the other side of the coin!
- There are many dating apps, but few are educational : if we think of the multiple dating systems and apps with ludic-sexual approaches, we see that there is not a broad panorama of tools that address the promotion of healthy sexual practices at any age.
- Veracity: although it is very easy to access the information, it does not mean that they are always able to discriminate between what is accurate and reliable from what is not.
- The dangers and risks: Below we list additional challenges regarding the use of digital technology and the Internet for sexual purposes:
- Privacy
- consensus
- informed consent
- confidentiality
- sexual harassment
- The bullying"
- bribes
- And other sexual violence
The use of technology requires thinking about a new frame of reference and conceptualization of what sexual health and rights are in a digital world and we need to learn to integrate technologies into people's lives, in an ethical environment of rights humans.
The expression “TURN IT ON” is definitely a call to action to question and reflect on the risks and opportunities offered by the digital world and how they maximize or threaten sexual health and rights.
10 tips to have safe virtual sex!
Memorize and internalize these basic rules if you want to try having virtual sex or sexting, understood as sending intimate content (photos, videos, audio, text messages, video calls, emojis) through a device such as your cell phone or computer.
This practice can be very pleasant and given the challenges of distance and the pandemic, so that you can experience it safely, we share some tips with you.
Before having virtual sex, keep in mind:
- Nobody forces you: if you don't trust them, don't agree.
- If there is no consent, then there is nothing: that person must agree to receive your photos or videos before you send them.
- The other person should also take care of you: on the internet there are many people who pretend to be someone they are not. Make sure that the person receiving your content is someone you know, with whom you trust, and who is willing to take care of your privacy.
How to prepare your device to have virtual sex?
Follow these tips to prepare yourself, and ask the other person to do the same.
Lock your screen and encrypt your cell phone: yes , no one can access your files in case of loss or theft. You can do it from the Settings and Security section. Putting a password will prevent third parties from unlocking your cell phone without your permission, and encrypting it will allow them to not see or read it if they hack you and access the content of your cell phone.
Put a password on your photo gallery: do it if your cell phone has that option, so that no one can access your gallery without your permission.
Don't automatically save your photos to the cloud: if you use Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud, double authenticate it. Otherwise your photos may be accessible from other devices.
- Use applications (apps) that allow self-destruct messages: Signal or Telegram may be an option. However, you can always screenshot or take a photo with another device.
How to avoid being recognized if they spread your content?
When taking photos or videos, or on video calls:
Do not show your face: avoid showing your face, or areas of the body with marks or tattoos by which you can be identified. If you're going to film yourself, do it without sound so your voice won't be recognized.
Use neutral backgrounds: so that no one can identify the place where you are.
Do not forward! If you receive someone else's photos or videos and they didn't give you consent to share them, don't.
Before turning on the screen, we recommend you have on hand:
- A quality water-based intimate gel like Zenzsual to facilitate self-stimulation.
- Think about the option of using the #TriOsgamic sex toy to show your partner how you can use it.
If you want to receive more advice on how to manage the digital environment as part of your sexuality, we recommend you request an online #SexCoaching session to receive professional advice and direct your virtual sessions.
We invite you to visit our online store TuSaludIntima to learn about Zenzsual's feminine care products. And stay tuned, because on our social networks we always publish promotions and informative tips for your feminine health and your sexuality.
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