More erotic literature to improve your sexual desire
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How many times have you thought that your sexuality becomes boring or repetitive, that your desire decreases over time, or simply that your intimate sessions lack innovation? Erotic Literature can help. Keep reading!
Love, affection and sexual intimacy play an important role in healthy relationships and contribute to the well-being of our lives. However, the reality is that, over the years, some disorders can appear that affect our ability to have sex or enjoy it.
Sexual desire fluctuates throughout our lives
In general, you do not have the same desire at age 20 as when you reach 50. Sexual desire can also vary in intensity and regularity, it can be affected by our mood, relationship situation, stress or pressure that we are living and our physical condition, if we are healthy or simply depending on how our hormonal or physical response works, among many other variables.
The important thing is to know ourselves enough to know if at certain stages of life we need to implement some support measures or resort to some valid tools to awaken our libido and cultivate our sexual desire naturally, as we do with erotic literature.
How does erotic literature help ignite sexual desire in women?
We speak of erotic literature as a literary genre in which the texts are related to eroticism and sex, under the understanding that eroticism uses metaphors to refer to the sexual relationship without the need to be explicit, because it would cease to be literature. erotica to enter the field of pornography, by presenting a more direct message. The delimitation between eroticism and pornography obeys a strictly personal matter, since it depends on the point of view and even the context in which each of the terms is used.
In general, at present erotic literature is presented under the format of fiction novels, short stories or tales, poetry, plays, memoirs and even sex manuals. But we are not talking about something new, erotic literature has existed since ancient Egypt when they found The Papyrus of Turin and The Papyrus of Leiden. First documents that speak of sexual positions. In ancient Greece, sexuality was associated with divinity. In the Decameron, a work written in the fourteenth century, they dare to tell the sexual stories inside the convents. The Thousand and One Nights tell a story of infidelity. In the Middle Ages we have the Marquis de Sade and stop counting. Not to mention the well-known Kamasutra until reaching the time of the Shades of Gray and all the sagas and "best sellers" of recent years.
Being clear about what we are talking about when we mention Erotic Literature, now we will tell you the main benefits that this type of book offers to your sexuality:
1. Exploit the sensuality of your brain
Remember that, in the case of women, eroticism and excitement begin in the mind. That is why we always say that the brain is your main sexual organ and that it can represent the greatest erogenous zone in your favor; making use of memory and erotic thoughts so that your body activates the natural sexual response.
But when memories and our imagination are not bearing enough fruit , reading stories charged with passion and sexuality can help you, because in our minds we begin to recreate the various situations that their characters experience, we transform them to our advantage, becoming protagonists and adapting them to our style.
2. Discover unknown terrains of your sexuality
Erotic stories that captivate you can be addictive and open up a space of freedom in your imagination to explore new sexual fantasies that broaden your vision of sex and help you discover new ways to get excited.
3. Improves the couple's relationship
Reading erotic novels can help you have a clearer and more defined criteria about what you like most about sex and opens a space so that —by telling the story to your partner— you can find common ground and interesting areas to explore together. Breaking the ice that means talking directly about sex and referring to third parties (the characters), it may be easier to discover those things in which they can or cannot empathize, bringing out the deepest desires of both.
4. Provide new techniques to try
When reading erotic literature, you discover new ways or scenarios to engage in sexual relations that you may not have known about, did not remember, or would never have thought of before. This is when you can start trying new positions, ways to seduce, places to seduce, new sex toys, and styles or trends that catch your eye.
5. Increases libido
Especially on those days when you feel more discouraged or your brain is focused on other issues that concern you, a good erotic story can help you disconnect and get into the erotic "mode" you need, being more receptive to sharing a moment. of intimacy with your partner. Even if you feel little or no sexual desire, it can be a way to activate it, getting out of the routine, the number one enemy of desire.
5. It is a good excuse to relax
Letting go while reading a good erotic novel can be an excellent exercise in releasing tension and de-stressing. Keep in mind that arousal and orgasm have a very rewarding effect on the body. Whether you are alone or in company, by reading this type of narrative you open the way to relax at the end of the day, put aside the news, work or the children for a few minutes of tranquility.
6. Helps you focus on sexual enjoyment
If you are one of those who think about changing the color of the wall in the room in the middle of the sexual act, thinking about the erotic stories that you are reading will help you develop that ability to concentrate, improve memory, pay more attention to the sensations you are experiencing. your body (enjoying the present), taking advantage of symbolic thinking (imagining more), and finally, boosting that long-awaited sexual response.
7. Less myths and inhibition
By reading innovative erotic stories, you help to break down those myths that you have been accumulating throughout your upbringing, your social environment and your prejudices, around eroticism and sexuality. Opening a window of possibilities about what you would like to try or simply what you do not agree with.
8. Inspiration
Erotic literature can help you avoid those issues that worry you and that have no quick solution, giving you some inspiration to put aside those situations that condition us, open your mind, change our perspective and put them into practice alone or with your partner. .
9. Creativity
By getting involved in the stories we read, we can develop our imagination, creating our own sexual fantasies and helping to set them in those memories we have of our favorite stories.
10. Self-esteem
When we have read a lot of erotic literature, we develop a criterion regarding sexuality and put into practice what we have learned with them, getting to know much better what we like and what we do not, what we are capable of doing with total security in life. bed and how far we are able to go in terms of sensuality and sexuality. This experience finally allows us to get to know perfectly what our erotic style is.
By appropriating our sexuality, we stop being passive 100% of the time, becoming more active by proposing new ways of living your sexuality with your partner, taking control of your intimacy, growing and maturing with it. That undoubtedly strengthens your self-esteem, which is a very attractive trait in any woman.
Cultivate your sexual well-being in an integral way
You see that reading more of this type of book can yield positive fruits if you learn to delimit fiction from reality and what is possible for you. But if you are suffering from low desire or libido, you should review all the possible causes with the help of your gynecologist (on a physical level) or in #SexCoaching sessions, to review the variables that may currently be interfering in your life. And in parallel, we recommend you try the daily intake of the LibiZenzs nutritional supplement to attack the problem in a comprehensive way with the treatment indicated by the professional team.
Libizenzs nutritional supplement has a formula based on herbs and trace elements and does not contain hormones. Its goal is to increase the feeling of well-being, give vitality and energy until the end of the day, it can help lower the percentage of body fat (although it is not designed for weight loss), it improves muscle mass, strengthens the immune system and raises the desire and sexual performance of women in general.
Visit our online store TuSaludIntima to find out about the other nutritional supplements that we have created to care for women's health in a preventive way and follow us for more content related to women's health and sexuality, as well as recommendations for erotic literature and more tips to improve your sexual desire. In our social networks look for us as: @TuSaludIntima. There we keep sharing useful tips and join the #TeamZenzsual to share this information with your friends, leave us your doubts and comments.
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