5 ways to relieve PMS
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Let the woman who in her life has not had a physical or emotional discomfort linked to the arrival of menstruation raise her hand. Although not all cases are the same, we normalize this set of symptoms, which can be treated with some control interventions. Read some of them here!
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of symptoms that begin during the second half of the menstrual cycle, which means about 14 days or more after the first day of your last menstrual cycle. They usually disappear 1 to 2 days after menstrual bleeding begins and although in some women they disappear, in others they cause a stir, becoming incapacitated for a few days.
What are considered symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome?
The most common symptoms of PMS include:
- Bloating or gas sensation
- Breast tenderness
- constipation or diarrhea
- unusual hunger
- Headache
- Less tolerance for noise and lights
Other symptoms include:
- Confusion, difficulty concentrating, or forgetfulness
- Fatigue or feeling sluggish or sluggish
- Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
- Feelings of tension, anxiety, or nervousness
- Irritable, hostile, or aggressive behavior, with outbursts of anger
- Loss of sexual drive (may increase in some women)
- mood swings
- Little ability to discern
- Low self-esteem, feelings of guilt, or increased fears
- Sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little)
How can I treat Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)?
The bad news is that there are no signs or specific laboratory tests that can detect PMS, therefore, its symptoms must be addressed in a comprehensive way, making a rigorous monitoring of the behavior of each woman. For that reason, here we are going to list some of the main measures to contain them:
1. Eat a balanced diet:
Make sure you eat foods that provide you with the nutrients you need for daily life. Leave the junk at once!:
- Drink a lot of fluids. Especially water. Do not drink soft drinks, alcohol or other caffeinated drinks. This will help reduce bloating, fluid retention, and other symptoms.
- Eat less and more frequently to reduce bloating and feelings of fullness. Every 3 hours approx. between snacks and avoid overeating.
- Limit your intake of salt and salty foods to reduce swelling and fluid retention.
- Eat foods with complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Eat foods rich in calcium. If you can't tolerate dairy or aren't getting adequate calcium in your diet, you can take a calcium supplement daily. Consult your doctor to find out which one is best for you.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption.
2. Exercise regularly
- The key is to get regular aerobic exercise throughout the month (not just when you have symptoms). Regular exercise helps reduce the intensity of PMS symptoms, especially premenstrual headache, breast swelling, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and vomiting.
- Exercise more often and at a higher intensity during the weeks when you have PMS.
3. Reduce stress
- The combination of stress and premenstrual syndrome is not a good adviser.
- If you suffer from anxiety or irritation on those days, try to calm your nerves with the technique that works best for you, it can be meditation, yoga, breathing exercises or mindfulness.
- Practice progressive muscle relaxation or deep breathing exercises to help reduce headaches, anxiety, or trouble sleeping (insomnia).
- If you can, try to get a little more sleep to rest.
4. Pay attention to the symptoms every month:
Write your own calendar where you write down the symptoms you present each month. This can help you identify the most troublesome and recurring symptoms. This also helps confirm the diagnosis of PMS, but many women ask us: what can you write down? Here some ideas:
- You have monitored your sexual appetite: pay attention if when your period approaches you have more or less desire, if your libido changes or you simply think more about sex.
- Notice your emotions: but don't blame PMS for all your problems. Before associating mood swings with this syndrome, consider other aspects that may be affecting your mood, such as health and relationships. And don't reaffirm the stereotypes that label PMS as the culprit of all women's ills.
- If yours is the attack of hunger (recurring and suddenly): some women claim to feel more anxiety and more desire to eat those days. If this is your case, get ready with some healthy snacks that allow you to satisfy that appetite with healthy foods. Do not resort to sweets and greasy snacks.
- How is your stomach?: check if during those days you have a greater feeling of gas , constipation or diarrhea. If so, you should be more rigorous with your diet and avoid those foods that you don't like on those days.
- If noise and lights bother you : make your room a sanctuary, prepare to rest with dim light and relaxation music. Avoid sleeping with the TV on and not detach yourself from the phone for even a second during the day.
5. Consult the doctor!
The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can become so severe that some women are unable to function normally in their daily roles. If your symptoms are moderate to severe, we recommend that you talk to your doctor about exploring some potential causes of your symptoms and some other options for relieving them.
If you only have mild symptoms, they can help you establish an effective strategy by taking note of your symptoms and attacking them early. Keep in mind, most women who are treated for this get good relief.
At #TuSaludIntima we make Zenzsual's cleansing foam available to help you with intimate grooming 31 days a month. Also the Zenzsual intimate gel to treat vaginal dryness in case it is one of your recurring symptoms and during intimate relationships.
And if your problem is low libido during those days, the Libizenzs nutritional supplement can help to regulate the hormones responsible for desire naturally. You can get all these products to support your feminine health in our online store: www.TuSaludIntima.com .
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