What are your excuses for not having sex? Is the wish over?

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What are your excuses for not having sex? Is the wish over?

Libido problems? Suddenly, phrases like: "I have a headache", "the children are going to wake up", "I have to fix the kitchen", "I'm tired, better tomorrow" or "I have to finish this urgent job" become familiar to you. Regardless of what yours has been at some point in life, the lack of sexual desire occurs like this and often makes excuses to avoid sexual relations, it can affect both sexes and even cause a feeling of guilt. Stop sabotaging your relationship and let's find the best solution together.

The definition is very simple, the lack of sexual desire refers to the low level of interest in having sexual relations and being unable to respond to the will or desire of your partner to have them. The lack of sexual "appetite" is more common than it seems, although little is said about it; and it is that we understand you, surely, more than once you have avoided going to sleep with your partner at the same time to avoid that uncomfortable encounter or you will have used one of the excuses that we mentioned at the beginning to get away with the issue.

We also know that behind these actions you take to get out of trouble, there is a feeling of guilt and sadness because you don't know the reason for that loss of interest and you begin to question the love you feel for your partner, don't be scared! This feeling is completely normal, in fact, if we look at it from the other side of the scale, your partner may also perceive your rejection as a lack of love, because it is his way of interpreting it, "if he doesn't want me anymore, it's because he doesn't love me." lovesā€.

But, did you know that this drop in desire can originate from the loss of novelty when entering a stage of sexual monotony in which you can't find a way out of the routine? Sexuality and sensuality are two inherent aspects of the human sexual fact and are present throughout our lives, and particularly, the sexual desires of women fluctuate naturally over the years and coincide with the beginning or end of a relationship, drastic changes in your life, hormonal changes, use of birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause, medications or any disease. The libido works differently in men and women; we are not naturally trained to stimulate or cultivate our sexual desire and for this reason, throughout life that desire begins to decrease and that is why we must learn to stimulate it because there are many ways and tools to do it and that you will be able to discover as you go along. throughout this article.


Causes of lack of sexual desire

Psychological, emotional and lifestyle causes
Yes, your mood also has a lot to do with your sexual desire and some of these causes are:

  • Stress.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Previous negative experiences.
  • History of physical abuse or sexual and non-sexual abuse.
  • Limiting beliefs regarding sex.
  • Alterations in your mental health such as depression or anxiety.

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physical causes
When we associate the causes with physical changes we refer to:

  • Pain during intercourse: Pain can drastically decrease sexual desire. As we always tell you, sexual intercourse does not have to be painful, if so, you are doing something wrong. To avoid this, you have two paths that together are a resounding success: foreplay and good lubrication. Ideally, your lubricant should be made from water, that it does not contain hormones, perfumes or parabens, and above all, that it has the right pH for your V zone, which is a very special pH, being the Intimate Gel with Hyaluronic Acid a excellent tool to keep you lubricated while you care for and rehydrate this area.
  • Lack of orgasms: if your problem is that your life needs more orgasms or that you can't reach them and you are concerned that sexual response with anyone generally ends in this way, we recommend the Masterclass: "The secrets of orgasm feminineā€ will be the reliable guide because you will know the most common mistakes that sabotage your pleasure, you will begin to enjoy more and pretend less, and you will learn to train your vagina to have better orgasms.
  • Diseases or conditions not necessarily sexual: they can affect your sexual desire, for example hormonal problems, polycystic ovary, thyroid, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, endometriosis, arthritis, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and neurological diseases or cancer.
  • Medications: some of the medications that we are prescribed, especially certain antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and even some anti-allergy, tend to directly decrease sexual desire.
  • Lifestyle: a glass of wine? Always welcome! Turn a night of drinks and excesses into your lifestyle? Too much alcohol can affect your performance and sexual desire; The same happens with cigarettes, smoking decreases blood flow, which can also decrease arousal. Try to lead healthier lifestyle and eating habits such as sleeping well, exercising and eating more consciously so that this is not your case.
  • Surgeries: surgeries in the gynecological area such as episiotomy, caesarean section, uterine surgery or any other in the pelvic area can affect libido and even cause a hormonal disorder; this normally occurs when there is removal of the uterus and ovaries. And for the fans of plastic surgeries, some of them, especially those of the genital tract, can affect function and sexual desire, so think twice.

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hormonal causes
The changes that we experience at the hormonal level can alter our sexual desire, these are:

  • Menopause: the decrease in estrogen, and above all in testosterone, which we observe when entering menopause, can cause less interest in sex, dry vaginal tissues and, as a consequence, painful intercourse. At this stage , LibiZenzs Women , together with the Feminine Intimate Gel with Hyaluronic Acid, will also be your great allies, since the former will help you regain that desire thanks to its combination of natural products that increase testosterone production (the hormone responsible for desire and The Excitement); and the second, will put an end to vaginal dryness, and therefore to pain, essential for you to feel calm and full.
  • Pregnancy and lactation: more and more hormonal changes are the ones you experience during and after having a baby, but not only these affect your intimate health, fatigue, changes in the way you look, the pressure of being a good mom, etc, they can also make you see sexual relations in a different way.

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In either of these two stages, the Feminine Intimate Gel with Hyaluronic Acid will also be your great ally since you can combat vaginal dryness caused by menopause, lactation, stress, worries, contraceptives, antiallergics, antidepressants, etc., which they affect the hydration of your vagina and make your intimate encounters a tragedy.

Can age affect the loss of sexual desire?
Sexual desire does not disappear but it does decrease with age when we do not address the hormonal causes that we mentioned above, mainly menopause. What we must be clear about is that a woman in adulthood has the same sexual rights as any other and The healthiest thing is that they keep their libido and pleasure at the top or at the limit of their possibilities.

Thus, the majority of older adults remain sexually active and their interest in sex does not fade over the years, they simply assume a process of adaptation in case they go through certain biological factors, physical limitations and the effects of diseases or medications. Their conditions improve through imagination, sensory stimulation and other environmental aids that increase receptivity to encounter and therefore, to pleasure.

What to do when faced with a loss of sexual desire?
The first task you have is to consult your doctor, so you can find out if it is a physical or hormonal cause and start the specific treatment, and if, on the contrary, your loss of libido is associated with psychological or emotional factors, you can look for the root of that low desire that is generally in the loss of novelty, physical or work fatigue, little time, responsibilities with your children or the house, etc.

Start by talking honestly with your partner, if you have been together for a long time or have spent a lifetime together, communication is one of the most important channels to bring about positive changes in your life, it will make you less apathetic and predisposed, and you will start to enjoy again the good things in life; remember that games, eroticism and different practices that you can add to your relationships will also help to re-ignite the spark, sometimes you should also look for novelty outside of bed, connect with your partner in other environments and through other types of stimuli, a dinner, going to the movies or taking a trip are excellent alternatives.

On the other hand, you don't have to meet a medical definition to seek help, if low sexual desire bothers you (or your partner) and you don't feel like anything that was irresistible before, you can give your body a little help with LibiZenzs Women Energizer , libido and energy also need a little push, LibiZenzs from Zenzsual will help you recover that desire thanks to its combination of natural products that increase the natural production of testosterone, yes, the hormone responsible for sexual desire and arousal in men and women. Eye! It is not a miracle pill, but with a continuous intake you will notice its benefits in your performance, energy and sense of well-being.

As a final reflection, do not wait for sexuality and desire to work only as it happens in the first beginnings of the relationship where hormones, novelty and falling in love solve everything; consider that a certain decrease in sexual frequency in a stable couple is completely normal and does not always have to be negative because it can be due to many reasons, and sometimes over time, you also choose to experience the relationship in other ways.

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