What is Perimenopause?: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Symptoms, Treatments and Practical Tips

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Have you ever felt like your body is playing hide and seek with you? One day everything seems normal, and the next, surprise! Your period decides to take an extra vacation or show up unannounced. Welcome to the fascinating world of perimenopause.

We understand that this period can be disconcerting and sometimes overwhelming. But we also know that it is an opportunity to reconnect with your body, to listen to its whispers and decipher its secrets. It's a time to celebrate your femininity in all its forms and believe us! Today there are medical and natural treatments to overcome all these symptoms so that you can go through this stage as the best stage of your life. That's what we're here for! To help you and take you by the hand every step of this path.

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the transition stage towards menopause, the moment when a woman stops having regular menstrual cycles and is near the end of her reproductive stage (NOTE: not the end of her life). This period can begin several years before menopause itself and is characterized by significant hormonal changes that affect the functioning of the ovaries and the levels of sex hormones, mainly estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Perimenopause covers the period from the beginning of hormonal and menstrual changes in a woman's body until she reaches menopause, which is the time when the ovaries stop releasing eggs on a regular basis and cessation occurs. definitive period of menstruation for a period of 12 months. That is, until you go 12 months without seeing menstruation. You are in perimenopause or climacteric, so don't trust yourself, because until your menstruation stops for a full 12 months you can still be fertile. This transition process generally begins in women around age 40, although it can begin earlier, even at age 35.

As women, we are constantly evolving. From puberty to menopause, our bodies dance to the rhythm of hormones, adapting to each new phase. And perimenopause, that transition period before menopause, is a unique and personal dance.

What Are the Symptoms of Perimenopause?

Hot flashes in perimenopause

Hormonal changes during perimenopause or climacteric can manifest in different ways for each woman, but there are some common symptoms that many of us experience.

  1.  Menstrual irregularity : One of the most common signs of perimenopause is the alteration of the menstrual cycle. This can include shorter or longer periods, changes in flow (lighter or heavier), and unpredictable cycles.
  2. Physical and emotional symptoms : Many women experience hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, and increased anxiety or irritability. They may also notice changes in weight, decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and problems concentrating.
  3. Changes in fertility : Although fertility decreases, it is still possible to get pregnant during perimenopause. Therefore, if pregnancy is not desired, it is important to continue using contraception until menopause (defined as 12 consecutive months without menstruation) is confirmed.
  4. Variable duration : The duration of perimenopause can vary widely. It generally begins in your 40s or even your late 30s and can last anywhere from a few years to more than a decade.
  5. Bone and cardiovascular health : Hormonal changes during perimenopause can affect bone density and increase the risk of osteoporosis, as well as influence cardiovascular health.

One of the most notable is menstrual irregularity. Your period may become shorter or longer, lighter or heavier. Sometimes it may seem like it has a mind of its own. If you are dealing with these changes, Menstrual Zen can be your best ally. This natural, plant-based supplement, rich in magnesium and vitamin D, is designed to help regulate your cycle and relieve menstrual symptoms, so you can flow with more comfort and peace of mind.

Another common symptom is the famous hot flashes. Suddenly, you feel a wave of heat wash over you, as if someone had turned up the temperature on your internal thermostat. It can be awkward and sometimes embarrassing, especially if it happens in the middle of a meeting or romantic date. But don't worry, you are not alone in this. Many women experience hot flashes during perimenopause.

And then there are the mood swings. One moment you are laughing with your friends, and the next, you feel like crying for no apparent reason. The emotional roller coaster is real. These ups and downs can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, but also by the stress of daily life and the changes you are experiencing.

Remember, each body is unique and symptoms may vary. Some women also experience changes in their libido, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, or weight gain. The important thing is to pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you and seek the support you need.

Taming the Flames: Natural Treatments to Relieve Perimenopause Symptoms

Nutrition in perimenopause

Perimenopause does not have to be a period of suffering. In fact, it can be a time to rediscover your feminine power and embrace your sensuality. Yes, even with the hot flashes and mood swings. The key is to take care of yourself comprehensively.

First, let's talk about your diet. Did you know that what you eat can influence how you feel during perimenopause? It's time to say goodbye to restrictive diets and hello to a balanced diet that nourishes your body. Think about foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy, flax seeds, and legumes. These can help balance your hormones naturally.

But it's not just about what you eat, it's also about how you move. Regular exercise will not only help you maintain a healthy weight, but it can also relieve perimenopause symptoms. And guess what? You don't have to suddenly become an athlete. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it's dancing, walking, or yoga. The important thing is to stay active and release those endorphins that make you feel good.

Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy your own company. A hot bath, a good book, or a meditation session can do wonders for your mental and emotional well-being. And if you need a little extra help managing your symptoms, don't hesitate to try Bye Bye Menopaus e . This natural supplement based on plants and trace elements is designed to relieve all the annoying symptoms of this period such as: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, vaginal dryness and other symptoms of perimenopause.

But perhaps one of the most important aspects of self-care during this stage is to be kind to yourself. Your body is going through important changes and you deserve patience and understanding. Don't compare yourself to other women or previous versions of yourself. Embrace the woman you are today, with all your strengths and vulnerabilities.

And remember that we are here to support you!

Perimenopause and your Sexual Spark: Lighting the Fire

First, it is important to understand that it is totally normal to experience changes in your sexual desire during this stage. Decreased estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness, which can make intercourse uncomfortable or even painful. But this doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to intimacy. There are many ways to keep your sex life active and satisfying.

Communication is key. Talk to your partner about what you are experiencing and what you need. You may need more time to get aroused or try different positions. Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works for you. And remember, sex isn't just about penetration. Caressing, kissing, and manual or oral stimulation can be just as pleasurable.

If vaginal dryness is a problem, do not hesitate to use lubricants and remember that today there are INTIMATE MOISTURIZERS that contain hyaluronic acid, which are very useful to avoid pain during sexual relations, regenerate, rehydrate and rejuvenate the intimate area and They can do wonders for increasing comfort and pleasure. And if you need an extra boost, check out our Pre Menopause Kit . This kit includes our Bye Bye Menopause and Menstrual Zen , all designed to help you manage the symptoms of perimenopause and enjoy your sex life to the fullest.

But perhaps the most important thing is to remember that sensuality has no expiration date. Perimenopause can be a time to rediscover your body and what gives you pleasure. Spend time exploring yourself, whether alone or with your partner. Learn to love and appreciate yourself in this new stage.

Inner Harmony: Nurturing Your Mind During Transformation

Let's talk about an often overlooked aspect of perimenopause: your mental health. With all the physical and emotional changes you're experiencing, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or even depressed. But we want you to know that these feelings are normal.

Hormonal fluctuations during perimenopause can have a significant impact on your mood. You may go from laughing to crying in an instant, or feel irritable for no apparent reason. These emotional ups and downs can be exhausting and can affect your relationships and quality of life.

There are steps you can take to take care of your mental well-being during this stage. First of all, don't underestimate the power of talking about what you're going through. Whether it's with friends, family, or a mental health professional, expressing your feelings can be incredibly freeing and healing. You don't have to go through this alone.

But perhaps one of the most important things you can do for your mental health is to practice self-compassion. Recognize that you are going through a big transition and that it is normal to have ups and downs. Celebrate your strengths and forgive your weaknesses.


Yes, perimenopause can be challenging. But you know what? It can also be an opportunity. An opportunity to rediscover who we are, what we want and what makes us feel alive. An opportunity to get rid of what no longer serves us and embrace what makes us shine.

So if hot flashes make you feel like a dragon breathing fire, your vagina feels drier than a flower in the desert, and mood swings make you feel like an emotional roller coaster, remember that you are not alone and that your strength is greater. than you believe.

At Zenzsual we are here to support you. Tell us, what has this stage been like for you? And if you have any questions, write them now in the comments! And we will gladly answer you.

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